Chapter 51 Scarred

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♡♡"Can I clear my conscience
If I'm different from the rest
Do I have to run and hide?
I never said that I want this
This burden came to me
And it's made its home inside"♤♤

Imagine Dragons


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Jungkook sighed as the night went on with Yuri still fast asleep and apparently tormented with whatever memories were coming back to her.

Three knocks on the door startled him as he kept Yuri's hand tightly into his. "Come in"he said in a tired voice. The door opened and Jungkook sent a tight smile in Namjoon's direction.

"Hey"the leader murmured.

"Hey"he answered, his eyes traveling back to the young girl.

Taking a seat beside the bed, Namjoon looked at the young woman asleep for a moment before turning to the young man.

"How are you holding up?"

Shrugging in response, Jungkook frowned. "I'm fine."

"You know she'll wake up right?"

"I know.. but..."he trailed off, not wanting to expose his own thoughts right away.

Silence hung over the two as Namjoon studied him for a while. "You're worried she might not be the same when she wakes up?"

Jungkook's head perked up at his words, his doe eyes betraying the heavy burden of his worry and the distress he found himself in.

"Hyung!"he exclaimed, "what if she's not the same once she wakes up? what if her memories are so traumatic she can't live with herself? What if-"he trailed off, cheeks flamed at the selfish thought.

"What if she doesn't love me anymore, what if everything's changed once she remembers? What if she wants to leave? What do I do?"

"Kook, first thing you're going to do is set aside all these what ifs, which don't make any sense."he said softly.

"Yuri will remember yes, but that doesn't necessarily means she won't be the same. It'll still be Yuri and she won't have forgotten all the time spent with us, with you. Feelings don't go away so easily. Trust me."

Hesitantly nodding his head, the maknae released a sigh, eyes trailing down Yuri's face.

"She told me herself that everything was going to change... That she won't be the same person."

"She might indeed feel that way, if the memories are as distressful as she claims they would be."the leader said quietly, adding to Jungkook's fear of losing her to her past.

"But Jungkook,"Namjoon called out gently. He waited until the young man's gentle doe eyes locked with his before speaking up.

"It's very easy to lose yourself in the dark. It's dangerous and unpredictable. Someone lost inside a whirl of darkness can hardly find their way home, not unless someone turns on the light for them, takes them by the hand and leads them home where it's safe."

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