3.23 Snower the Strategist

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The interior of the Saiyan Royal palace was vast and intimidating. Ceilings going as high as 40 feet weren't exactly the Saiyans' specialty. In fact, the Tsufuls had secretly assisted them in its conception. They had also placed hidden cameras and proper lighting. Only those of high status who knew of the King's secrets had the privilege to access the rooms with such technology.

As the group of Saiyans strolled around the castle, Hanasia was quickly losing her sense of direction. She couldn't remember the way back to the entrance. They made their way to a small cell adorned only by two beds with the surviving invaders resting upon them. They were dressed with bandages and wired to other medical stuff Hanasia didn't know about.

— These are our only two prisoners... don't go killing them. As they confessed, they are coming from the sky, from a world beyond the heights where the sun burns, the cold bites and where we can't breathe anymore. Beyond those heights, there are other worlds similar to ours, and with their flying houses, that you just saw, they can travel from one world to another. They also confessed to us that they just came here to beat and destroy us.

— Invaders, duh.

— Hanasia, please try to understand! Guys like them, there are plenty in their world, and soon, more will come in other flying houses! And you are the only one who can stop them.

— Hanasia, kills the millennial warrior, Hanasia, kills the invaders, blah blah blah...

— You have to stay here and become the Queen of the Saiyans.

— Shut up Nizouki. I don't want to become a Queen.

— Really? You will earn the respect of all Saiyans, all the food and drinks you could stomach, any male can be yours, all of the fights you want, the comfort, and so on... Who could reject this?

— I have to take care of my own town.

— They'll find another chief, said Nizouki. Or they could come live here, they're just a small town. I may add that the Queen also has privileged relations with the Tsuful population.

— Mmmh, does she?

The advisor was surprised, he couldn't imagine that this argument would have ever mattered. Most of the Saiyans didn't care about the Tsufuls, or didn't like them, without any reasons. In general, the King of the Saiyans wasn't happy to learn that their power was born from the Tsufuls.

— I would like to learn more about the Tsufuls, ended Hanasia, looking around at the things in the room, which clearly came from the Tsuful's civilization.

Emperor Blizzard had four children. The princes were a few centuries apart in age from each others. The older they grew, the stronger they became. Then if we wanted to guess which prince was the best, it was easy, we just had to know their age. But on the other hand, their strength had to be held back, and the older the demon, the more transformations he was using.

Ice Kurima, the youngest, was in his first reduction form. This transformation gave him an imposing and intimidating appearance.

Chilled, his older brother, was in his second restrained form. Hanasia had prevented him from reaching what would have been his final restraint before attaining original form.

Snower, elder to the aforementioned siblings, was in his third form. Versed more so intellectually than combatively, he didn't bother with concealing his power and was the first of the Frost Demons to assume a form so advanced. The Frost Demons grew stronger with every generation, and they didn't need to be restrained so much in the past.

This third physique had amused his brothers. This form made him short in stature, even shorter than the race's original appearance. Chilled had insisted that this form wasn't without consequence for their reputation, as it may cause the universal population to fear them less. But in the end, Snower remained in this short, thrice-fold reduced form. He was still powerful enough to instill fear into all those who knew of him. Fear that wasn't only limited to his appearance, but rather, a psychological, visceral, far more intimidating sense of dread. Snower had compensated for his lack of control in higher forms with the efficiency and straightforwardness he displayed in governance and conquest. His brothers held him high in regard, and his counsel was educated and followed to the letter.

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