Jungkook slotted his hands in his pockets and followed Taehyung with slow, leisurely steps. As he walked along, he casually raised his head and saw sunlight streaming down the gaps between the tree leaves and branches. The scattered, golden rays were still and unperturbed—just like the passage of time.


Taehyung quickly found their old classroom. As the school had yet to start, all of the classrooms were sealed and locked. Taehyung and Jungkook stood in front of the window and brashly stared into the classroom through the glass-like two discipline masters.

Taehyung asked Jungkook, "Can you still find the seats that we sat at?"

Jungkook answered with an "mm".

"It's a pity that we can't go in to have a look," Shortly after he lamented this, Taehyung began tapping the edges of the windows, one after another.

"What are you doing?" Jungkook asked.

"Let's see if we can flip in through the windows."

"You..." Jungkook did not even know what to say anymore. 

Astonished delight suddenly appeared on Taehyung's face. "Oh? This window doesn't seem to be locked." As he spoke, he used strength to push. He pushed and pushed with all his might, to the point that his entire face was flushed.

Jungkook could only helplessly walk over to help him.

The window in question was jammed. From this, it seemed that rather than forgetting to lock it due to carelessness, the teacher might have been unable to unjam it as well. Jungkook was quite strong. With him there, the window was finally nudged open bit by bit.

That window needed to count its blessing for not being dismantled by him.

Taehyung flipped nimbly into the classroom. Behind him, Jungkook cautioned, "Slow down."

"Hurry up!"

The two of them found their former seats, brushed off the dust, and sat down.

The moment they sat down, it was as if the floodgates to their past were opened. Scenes from their childhood swirled up like a tidal wave and swept them into an ocean of memories. That very instant, Jungkook recalled numerous memories of his time with Taehyung.

They were in the same study group and he had helped to check his homework by correcting his wrong words and polishing his paper. In return, he wrote an essay that slandered him...

They participated in a community service program together as free guides at a tourist attraction. He helped Taehyung to explain the attraction's history while Taehyung helped him to pull in tourists...

They teamed up to set up the blackboard bulletin. Their opinions differed too much and neither of them was willing to meet the other halfway. In the end, the blackboard was split into two distinctive halves of completely different styles. When their teacher saw this, Taehyung did not know whether to laugh or cry and thoroughly scolded them for it...

They were on classroom duty together. Taehyung liked rummaging through the bin for gossip. He once found a love letter that a classmate had written to Jungkook and teased him for it. He tore the letter to pieces and ignored Taehyung for the entire day...

How they ate lunch together...

How they played together...

How they...


Humans are really strange.

An experience that was once beautiful could sour with time, making one feel only indifference or even disdain when looking back.

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