Bury the hatchet

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When Taehyung woke up in the morning, his head pounded with a dull, throbbing ache. Sprawled across his bed, he recalled bits and pieces of what happened the previous night. He seemed to remember spilling his guts after drinking a little too much. His memory was fuzzy but he had a vague impression of crying in Jungkook's arms...

...good grief.

He wished that someone would come to wipe his memory immediately.

With a frown on his face, he picked up his phone and clicked into WeChat to distract himself.

Today's WeChat was quite remarkable.

Jungkook: Insomnia.

Jaehyun: Insomnia.

Yukhei: Insomnia.

Taehyung: ...excuse me?? Did the three of them gather together to play Landlord the whole of last night?

Out of the three of them, only Yukhei attached a photo to his status. The photo was of an artistic-looking flower bouquet wrapped in an old newspaper. Taehyung wrote a comment to Yukhei: What's wrong?

Yukhei did not reply to him; he probably had training. When noon came, he gave him a call.

"Hey, Yukhei, are you feeling down?" Taehyung asked right after picking up the phone.

Yukhei did not beat around the bush. He asked frankly, "Taehyung, are you together with Jungkook?"

Taehyung was startled. "What? Don't talk nonsense!"

"But last night, I saw the two of you..."

Right away, Taehyung could guess what he saw. It wasn't only Yukhei, even he felt that what happened was a little incredulous. Thus, he explained, "I drank a little too much last night, so, eh... I don't remember what I did."

"Oh." Over the phone, Yukhei heaved a sigh of relief. His tightly wound nerves finally relaxed. There was a hint of a smile in his reply. "You can find me the next time you want to drink."

"Huh? No way, I don't want to be a bad influence on a minor."

Minor-it was that word again... This word was now Yukhei's most hated word.

Yukhei asked, "Let's have lunch together?"


Right after Taehyung hung up, Jungkook's call came in.



The two of them endearingly exchanged insults before starting their conversation. Taehyung asked, "Jungkook, heard that you had insomnia yesterday. Did you have a nightmare?"

"Uh-huh, I dreamt of you."

"Get lost..."

Jungkook burst into laughter. His low and amused chuckle was like a soft brush that gently tickled his ear. Jungkook said, "Let's grab lunch together. I have something to tell you."

"What is it that you can't tell me now?"

"A piece of good news."

Taehyung did not believe that Jungkook could have any good news for him. However, curiosity made him agree to meet for lunch. Thus, when lunch came, the three of them were once again sitting together. Both Jungkook and Yukhei did not expect each other to be there.

From when they first met, they did not exchange a single word. However, they did exchange stares now and then. As a bystander, Taehyung could intensely feel how their gazes were charged. The air seemed to crackle and sparks flew every time their eyes met.

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