A huge trap

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Taehyung was in deep sleep the whole night and did not dream.

When he woke up the next morning, his memories of the previous night were scattered and he had forgotten most of what happened after he got drunk. He vaguely remembered singing very well, and that Jungkook had applauded. Jungkook even suggested that he sign up for a singing competition and would play the cello for him.

Taehyung was not sure if he wanted to give him this honor.

There was no one else in the room beside him. In a daze from the hangover, he sprawled across his bed. A while later, Nayeon came back with breakfast. Seeing that Taehyung was awake, she called out, "Get up for breakfast."

"Nayeon," Taehyung said languidly, "I'll treat you guys to dinner tonight."

"Sure. Why are you treating?"

"Because..." Thinking of the reason, Taehyung joyously rolled on his bed with a smile on his face. "Because I can finally quit my job with Jungkook. In the afternoon, I'll find Manager Ok to settle my pay. After that, I won't ever have to deal with that lunatic again hahahahaha..."


After morning lessons, Taehyung did not even wait till he had lunch before he impatiently went to find Manager Ok.

The two of them sat facing each other in the office. Manager Ok good-naturedly held the file and verified the details. He said, "I'll sum up your payment first. Here, is your timesheet for this month. Based on this, your basic pay is 2,450 won." As he spoke, he passed the timesheet to Taehyung.

Taehyung reminded him. "Manager Ok, Jungkook also owes me 10,000 won. Has he told you?"

"He did. It's listed under 'special service fees' in the last column."

The three words "special service fees" made Taehyung's brows tick. He faintly felt like he was an escort.

The total sum listed on the timesheet was 12,450 won. Taehyung grinned from ear to ear as he signed the document and passed it back to Manager Ok. Then, he asked, "Manager Ok, would the payment be by Alipay, WeChat, or online transfer?"

"Ah? Anything works for me. It's up to you."

Taehyung fished out his phone. "Alipay, then."

"Mm." Manager Ok looked at the timesheet and nodded. He then took out another form. "Your total penalty fee for this month will be 50,000 won. After deducting your pay, you still owe us 37,550 won. My Alipay account is——"

"Wait." Taehyung was shocked and quickly interrupted him. "Where did the penalty fee come from? Manager Ok, please don't scare me like this. I'm still young."

Manager Ok passed the new form to Taehyung. He helplessly shook his head and sighed. "Taehyung, during the 30 days that you've worked, you illegally sold Jungkook's privacy 29 times to 20 different people. Am I right?"

Taehyung froze. "What, what do you mean?"

"What I mean is that every morning, Jungkook's privacy would be sold by you once. In total, you've done this 29 times. This is a very serious matter with grim consequences."

Taehyung finally realized what he was referring to. He explained, "I was only letting them deliver his breakfast. It can't be that bad?"

"Then tell me, did you collect money from them?"

"I..." The money was there for the taking, why would he not take it? T^T

Manager Ok tapped the table with his finger and conflictingly looked at him. "Taehyung, it's not that I'm purposely picking on you. As long as you collected money, you're considered to have sold another's privacy for your gains. It'll be a completely different matter. And do you know that because of what you did, there's always someone waiting at the north exit of the east sports field for Jungkook's morning exercise? Once, students even broke into a fight while trying to vie for Jungkook's attention. These have caused great disturbance and damage to Jungkook himself, our school, and the club. Fining you with a 50,000 won penalty fee is not unjustified at all."

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