Bunch of devils

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Despite scoffing a million times in his heart, Jungkook maintained a lofty expression. He asked, "So... how exactly do you plan to repay me?"

"I'm going to grant you a wish, just like the dramas we usually see on television. Anything is acceptable as long as it's something that I can do, not against the law, and not unethical."

"Television dramas usually grant three wishes."

"Are you haggling with me over this? Jungkook, you're becoming more and more shameless."

"I used to be respectable. Then, I met you..."

Taehyung pointed at him. "I shall let you off since I'm in a good mood today."

"Three wishes."

"Fine, three wishes it shall be. Stop meandering like an old lady. Tell me, what do you want?"

What Jungkook wanted was not something that he could ask for at this stage. Hence, he requested to keep his wishes for now. After saying this, he hinted, "Saving money in the bank generates interest."

He was driving Taehyung crazy. He raised his hands as if he was about to chop Jungkook up.

Jungkook grinned as he shrunk back. Though he moved to the side, the umbrella did not follow him along. Instead, it tilted in the opposite direction and slanted to fully protect Taehyung from the rain. Jungkook's own body was exposed to the rain as he pulled apart from Taehyung.

Seeing him get drenched, Taehyung immediately lowered his hands and said, "I'll save this beating for later. Oh right, there'll be interest."

At the same time, Taehyung thought, he's still quite the gentleman.

Sharing the same umbrella, they headed to the ice stadium. They walked over as the rain made it hard to cycle. The weather was quite cold. As Taehyung only wore a thin layer when he went out, his fingers were freezing even when he slipped his hands into his pockets. Thus, he hugged his elbows by sticking his left hand into his right sleeve and his right hand into his left sleeve. With both palms pressing against his arms, he felt much warmer. It was just that this pose was a little strange, like what a humble, old farmer would do.

"Fool," Jungkook suddenly spoke.

Taehyung raged, "Jungkook, I knew it. You're itching for a beating today, aren't you? I'll satisfy you right now."

Jungkook was not intimidated. He continued, "Why didn't you layer up before leaving your dorm?"

"Who knew it'll be so cold today?" Taehyung grumbled.

The weather report only stated the temperature, not what he ought to be wearing.

Jungkook thrust the umbrella back into Taehyung's hands. In one smooth movement, he shrugged off his jacket and draped it over Taehyung's head.

"Lunatic!" Taehyung yanked his jacket down.

Jungkook especially liked seeing him struggle like this. The image of him popping his head out from Jungkook's clothes was truly something that he could watch over and over again.

Jungkook thought he might be a pervert.

"I don't need it." Taehyung tried to return the jacket to Jungkook.

Jungkook reached for the umbrella, this time wrapping his palm around the back of Taehyung's hand as he did so. Their two hands firmly pressed together, Jungkook let him experience his warmth. Then, he said, "I don't need it even more."


Taehyung went to the changing room after reaching the practice venue.

When Taehyung opened the door, he could hear several people chatting away. But when he walked in, all of them fell silent.

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