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Jungkook discovered that after all these years, Taehyung had not changed at all.

Taehyung was still as much of a scoundrel as before.


After morning lessons ended, Taehyung received Jungkook's summon again. He requested Taehyung to meet him at the astronomy building before heading over to the canteen together.

Taehyung rolled his eyes. This guy, did he believe that he's an emperor? Someone who needed him to go receive and wait on him?

"Jungkook, are you a dog? Can't head out without someone holding your leash?" He scoffed at him over the phone.

Jungkook calmly tossed out the two words "I'm waiting" and hung up.

Taehyung gathered his two companions Eunwoo and Nayeon. Walking in a crowd was great for boosting morale. He spiritedly felt like he was the manifestation of righteousness. When they reached the vicinity of the astronomy building, he could see Jungkook standing at the building entrance from afar. This simply couldn't be helped as that rascal was too eye-catching.

Eunwoo swayed on his bicycle as he kept to Taehyung's side. When he saw Jungkook, he somewhat worriedly asked Taehyung, "Eh boss, he seems to be even taller than me? Just how tall is he?"

"I think he's 1.88 m. He was shorter than me when we were young. Goodness knows what he ate to grow into this height. It's like a crayfish turning into a lobster, tsk tsk tsk."

Eunwoo is a little envious. "He must be great at slam dunks."

Just then, Jungkook snapped out of his thoughts and saw them. He crooked a finger at Taehyung.

Eunwoo was extremely dissatisfied. "Do you think my boss is a dog?"

"Shut up, you..." Some things, even when understood, didn't need to be said out loud thank you very much!

When Taehyung walked over, Jungkook tossed his bag into his arms. Taehyung caught onto the bag and immediately turned to pass it to Eunwoo. Eunwoo placed the bag into his bicycle's basket.

The whole damned process was just like playing Pass The Parcel.

It was only then that Jungkook took a proper look at Eunwoo and also glanced at Nayeon.

Eunwoo looked like an honest guy with his thick eyebrows and has Pheonix eyes while Nayeon was pale, fragile, and looked to be easily bullied. Both of them seemed to be Taehyung's newly kept slaves.

Jungkook thought of his past and couldn't help but to feel a tinge of sympathy. He shook his head and commented, "A leopard never changes its spots."

The four-headed towards the canteen, the atmosphere a little awkward. Jungkook was originally a person of few words and since Taehyung was annoyed with him, he naturally couldn't be bothered to entertain him. Eunwoo was acting on the principle of "I won't move if the enemy doesn't move", and quietly observed from the side while pushing his bicycle. Nayeon followed behind the three of them and became as invisible as air.

Upon reaching the canteen, Nayeon and Eunwoo instinctively disappeared in the direction of the delicious scents to grab their lunch.

Taehyung rolled up his sleeves and was about to do the same. He took a step before being halted by Jungkook with a hand on his shoulder. Taehyung immediately felt the affected shoulder being weighted down, turned, and glared at him. "What?"

"I want to eat..."

He gave yet another detailed list of dishes.

Taehyung took a deep breath, narrowed his eyes at Jungkook, and suddenly smiled. "Jungkook, have you worked in a restaurant before?"

"No, why?" 

"Do you know that when staff is annoyed, they'll spit into the food?" Taehyung purposely winked at him as he spoke, his behavior especially antagonizing and asking for a beating.

Jungkook asked, "Are you going to spit into my food?"

"That depends on my mood," Taehyung loftily said.

"If I eat your saliva," On saying this, Jungkook deliberately paused. He lowered his head to Taehyung's ear as if he was going to say something extremely embarrassing and whispered, "That means we... indirectly kissed."

Taehyung was flustered. He sputtered, "Jungkook, why, and how, in the world did you become so shameless."

Jungkook lightly raised his brows. "You flatter me. If you also had a deskmate named Taehyung, you'll be able to do the same."

Infuriated, Taehyung pressed his lips together and glared at Jungkook.

Jungkook serenely straightened up, glanced down, and directly met his eyes.

After facing off for some time, Taehyung pointed a finger at him and said, "You're the shit, you win, just you wait."

Jungkook sat on an empty seat at the side and leisurely leaned back. With one hand resting on the table and a leg crossed over another, it seemed like he took himself as an emperor.

He copied Taehyung's earlier behavior and winked at him. "I'm waiting."

Taehyung walked off in a huff.

Jungkook has discovered a truth.

When dealing with a scoundrel, you need to be an even bigger scoundrel.

He suffered in the past because he was way too honest.

Taehyung was still buying lunch when Eunwoo and Nayeon came back with their food. They put down their trays, sat opposite Jungkook, and eyed him fervently.

Eunwoo suddenly understood his boss's strong feelings of envy and resentment. Jungkook here was a perfect example of a winner in life. He was not only tall and good-looking but also excelled in his studies. A guy like this had a bunch of fangirls following him around. Don't just mention his boss, even he was jealous of Jungkook.

"I'm warning you," Eunwoo suddenly opened his mouth.

"Warning you," Nayeon echoed closely, her tone of a straight man who had been acting in comedy plays for the past twenty years.

Eunwoo: "We're all unquestionably medical students."

Nayeon: "Medical students."

Eunwoo: "If you dare to bully my boss."

Nayeon: "If you dare."

Eunwoo: "I have a hundred ways of making you unable to walk."

Nayeon: "Fuck. You. Up."

Eunwoo: "Cough cough cough..."

He was completely thrown off by her train of thought. Eunwoo was unable to continue with his threat and choked till he was red in the face. He surreptitiously flashed a glare at Nayeon.

Nayeon touched her nose.

The atmosphere momentarily became fairly awkward. Fortunately, at this moment, Taehyung bustled back with a lunch tray. He saw Eunwoo's reddened face and Nayeon's wandering gaze and felt that they were both behaving abnormally. He put down the tray and curiously asked, "What happened?"

Jungkook raised his head to innocently look at him. "They said you want to fuck me up."

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