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During the holiday, the school's gate was locked but a guard was stationed there to unlock it for staff entering or exiting. Taehyung was only considered a staff's family and might not necessarily have the same privilege.

Jungkook felt that they could simply let the guard know they were there. However, Taehyung did not want to reveal his presence. The guard was familiar with his father and thus naturally recognized him as well. If they entered through the gate today, it was likely that his father would know that he hung out with Jungkook and start nagging at him again.

"Let's climb the wall," he told Jungkook.

Jungkook was a little puzzled. "Why climb the wall when there's the door?"

"I haven't climbed a wall for a long time. Can't I suddenly feel like climbing?"

"What's with this peculiar hobby..."

Despite scoffing at him, Jungkook ultimately followed Taehyung in climbing the wall.

Jungkook climbed a school wall for the first time in his life. Unfamiliar with the motion, it was inevitable that his movements were clumsy. Luckily, he was fit enough that he managed to accomplish it without much difficulty and only grazed his palms in the process. In contrast, Taehyung's movements were smooth and practiced. With one look, anyone could tell that he was experienced at this.

"How many times have you done this..." Jungkook could not resist scoffing at him again.

Taehyung crossed his arms and giggled while looking at him. "Jungkook, I realize you haven't changed much. Till now, you're still an obedient baby who hasn't even climbed a wall before!"

Is it that weird to have never climbed a wall? It's only weird to have climbed before!

Jungkook disagreed with him silently without saying a word. The area where his skin broke was a little itchy and he rubbed it against his shirt.

Taehyung noticed his movements. "You're hurt? Let me see."

Jungkook stretched his hand out.

Taehyung pulled his hand over to his front. 

Jungkook's fingers sunk into his soft and warm palm. His mind was thrown into disarray and he began to breathe lightly and carefully, seeming as if he was afraid of startling him.

Taehyung looked at Jungkook's hand with lowered eyes. On his palm near the web between his thumb and index finger, there was indeed a large area that had been grazed. His skin was lightly scraped but it did not look serious as there was no sign of blood. Taehyung bent his head and pursed his lips towards the broken patch of skin.

Jungkook stared at his cherry-like pursed lips. His heart pounded fiercely and Adam's apple bobbed.


Taehyung blew gently on his skin.

The sensation of the cool air brushing against his skin was soft and light. It felt like he was being tickled with a feather. Flustered, Jungkook swallowed his saliva.

Taehyung let go of his hand. He kept his head bent and did not dare to look at Jungkook straight. He said softly, "It won't be painful after blowing."

Jungkook thought it won't be painful only after kissing.

However, he only dared to be a rogue in his mind. The actual word that came out was, "Thanks."

Taehyung did not say anything else. He walked along the wall as he headed to find the classroom they used to be at. As it was the holidays, there was no one sweeping the campus. Numerous leaves had piled up next to the wall and they crackled noisily when stepped upon.

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