꧁Chapter 10꧂

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Work was finally over, Jimin and I closed up the cafe and headed home.
Well, my house to be exact. After the incident I felt uncomfortable walking on the streets alone, so I'm also very grateful that he could walk me home.

While walking we talked about random stuff and some of the customers how they were rude to one of us. We laughed and giggled here and there, I felt a lot more comfortable and safe when I was around him.
We arrived at my apartment, "We're here, again thank you for walking me home" I smiled "No worries Hyung, well then I'll get going now" as soon as he was about to leave I spoke "Jimin-shi, if you don't mind.. You could spend the night here" he stopped and looked back at me "Are you sure?" I only nodded and said "I don't want you going out this late and going home by yourself well cause you know" he stood there for a second and nodded.

I invited him inside and leg him make himself feel at home. "Wow hyung, knowing you, you'd probably would've already decorated the place" I sighed "I know it's just I haven't had the time to decorate the place, but tomorrow we don't have work so I can finally begin decorating and adjusting it to my liking, I've already bought all the stuff" "If you'd like I could help you with decorations tomorrow" I looked at him and grabbed both his hands clasping them both into mine "Really??" I said excitedly, I saw him looking down at our hands and has blushed from the action, thinking that I'd embarrassed him I let go.

"Sorry about that I just got excited ther for a sec" I said and rubbed the back of my neck in embarrassment, he only shook his head "No no! It's alright! And of course I'll help you out" he smiled.

"Thank you thank you!" I hugged him tightly.
+* Jimin's POV *+

I can't control my feelings! My face is hot all over.

Hoseok was hugging me so tightly and it felt so surreal. For the longest time now, I've had this crush on Hoseok, ever since he I saw him at the Cafe and that beautiful smile of his I just couldn't get him out of my brain.

And now, I'm here alone in his apartment hugging each other! I even blushed when he held my hands in his... They were so warm.

I smiled to myself and noticed Hoseok wasn't hugging me anymore but smiling at me with that gorgeous smile of his. I couldn't take it anymore and then...

I kissed him.

I couldn't believe what I just saw. That bastard! Who does he think he is kissing MY property.

I was watching the two from distance since I thought something was gonna happen and it turns out something did after all. I felt my hands form into fists and had a sinister look on my face.

"You're dead."

Psycho/𝙎𝙤𝙥𝙚 𝙛𝙛Where stories live. Discover now