꧁Chapter 13꧂

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+* Jimin's POV *+

Who was this guy and why was he asking about Hobi..? "Uh.. Sorry he still hasn't arrived yet, if you'd like you can stay and wait for him" I said not trying to sound suspicious.

"Alright, I have some time to spare" he said and sat down at one of the windows. I left to make his order but couldn't help but notice how well dressed he was. 'He really is handsome..'

+* Hoseok's POV *+

I made it to work and saw Jimin making orders and hurried back behind the counter, "Jimin! Sorry, I was kinda late" he only smiled back at me, "It's alright Hobi.. Oh! The gentleman over there asked for you" he pointed over to a well dressed man sitting by the window.

I nodded and made my way over to the man as I got closer he started to look familiar... "Jin?!" the man turned his head and smiled, "Hobi! It's been awhile!"

I hugged him tightly, "I didn't think I'd see you again.. But, how are you? How are you holding up? When you'd come back-" I was interrupted by him speaking.

"Calm down! I'll tell you everything and why I'm back, how bout I come over?" my smile grew bigger, "Sure thing! Lemme me just write my address down" he looked confused "Oh? Did you move" I nodded, "I decided I wanted to get out of there".

I gave him the piece paper containing my address. "Ok, but I have to get going now. It was great seeing you" he waved goodbye and left.

I left back to my post and saw Jimin standing there obviously curious abt who he was. "Hobi Hyung, who uhh- Was that?" I smiled, "He's an old friend, I've known for a long time." "Oh- Were you gonna let me know..?" I looked at him confused.. Then it hit.

"OH! No-no! We've never had that kind of relationship! I promise, he's just been there for me every since well.." I liked down trying not to remember the past.. I hated every second of it.. I then felt a warm embrace, "Its ok Hyung, sorry if I seemed pushy.. Just tell me on your own time. Ok?" I smiled again and hugged him back.

"Don't worry and thank you.."

+* 3rd POV *+

As Jin had made his way out the Cafe, he couldn't help but feel.. Uncomfortable.

He wasn't sure what it was but one things for sure.. He absolutely hated it. He sped trying to avoid whatever it was that he was feeling.

He stopped briefly and looked around to see what it could be that was making him all uncomfortable.. Unfortunately nothing caught his eye.

He sighed out and began walking again and yet.. That strange feeling didn't leave him.

'I need to hurry back..Who knows how long this is gonna keep up' Was all Jin could think about right now.

Just who the hell is this "Jin" guy and why is he so chummy with my hobi...

Too close.. He almost spotted me.

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⏰ Última atualização: Dec 11, 2023 ⏰

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