"Did you need a ride?" Lin asked, poking his head out from his office.

"Thanks, but I'll be fine," she assured him, as the bell rang over her head as she opened the door. "Have fun at the dinner thing!"


As she walked toward the train station it began to snow again. She was regretting that she didn't take Lin's offer for a ride, but at least the snow was pretty. "Hey! Mai!" a voice broke her from her daze.

She turned and found none other than her boss's go to researcher. "Yasuhara?" she tilted her head. "What are you doing here?" She walked up to his car that he had pulled up to the side of the road.

"I have an internship nearby, want a ride home?" he offered, unlocking the door.

"If you don't mind," she accepted, opening the door and getting in.

"Not at all, besides it beats walking through the snow." Yasuhara put the car in gear and started in the direction of Mai's apartment.

"So how happy are you that you finally found out who my mysterious boyfriend is?" Mai teased.

"Well, I now need to find something else to interrogate you about? Although, I received a very stern talking to from Sakurako about interrogating over the weekend," he laughed.

"And how does she feel about you interrogating me?"

"Well, she was more upset about me interrogating Satoshi," he explained, making a turn. "Apparently, he has a secret girlfriend and kept blushing when I asked him about it."

"What did Sakurako do?"

"She told me to leave her brother alone and that it wasn't nice of me to ask about his girlfriend like that. They are apparently very much in love and this 'intewogaling' wasn't good and how would I like to be questioned about liking her sister-"

"Ha! So the five year old called you out on it too!" Mai laughed.

"She's six now, and she won't let you forget it," Yasuhara laughed as well. "And call it what you will, but luckily Kiko was helping her mom with something."

"To save yourself the embarrassment," Mai rolled her eyes.

"Eh, not really, considering I then had Satoshi trying to beat me up, attempting to play protective younger brother," the college boy shrugged.

"Then Kiko walked in and you were pinned to the ground by an...eleven year old?" Mai finished for him.

"Actually, he's still ten, he'll be eleven in March," he corrected. "But yeah, that's about how it played out."

"And Kiko helped get her brother off of you while you laid sprawled out on the floor."

"No, she took one look at the situation, raised her eyebrow, and walked right out." They came to a red light. "She then told Sakurako to make sure Satoshi didn't kill me."

"Wow, she has a lot of faith in you," Mai laughed, then all of a sudden she felt somber. An ominous feeling filled the pit of her stomach as Yasuhara's face took on the same serious expression. He looked a little different too, but she couldn't put her finger on it.

The light turned green and Yasuhara started to drive the car forward.

"Well, I'm sure that-" he stopped as pure terror filled his face.

She turned her head to see a sedan racing for them. It wasn't stopping. It didn't plan to.

"Yasuhara!" Mai shouted, terror in her eyes as she whipped her head around just as the Sedan crashed into her side.

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