The artical

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*1 week later. Wilhelm was at the palace meeting with the press."

Sara and Simon had completely been ignoring each other all week. Except for the occasional conversations they were forced to have at dinner.

Simon still hadn't moved his stuff out of the house, he's just been staying in Willies room every night. Surprisingly nothing went on between them, other then a few make-out sessions.


Simon waited patiently in his room, waiting for the article titled "The Truth Behind the Bitch" to finally come out.

Willie and him had been texting the whole morning, planning out exactly what to say to put August behind bars.

Simon sat on his bed, rocking back and forth and refreshing his screen every second. He then went to messages and clicked on Willies name.

Oh my god. How much longer until they release it.

Hun. I just finished talking to them, they still have to actually write the article.

Well tell them to hurry up. I cant take this any longer it's actually killing me.

It'll be a few hours, do you want me to come over? Especially if your dying.

yes please :)

Okay.. Malin will take me, let's just hope my mom doesn't hear about this before the story is out. I'd be the one dying then.

You better not die. I cant wait to see ya ❤️


Simon turned his phone off then went into the living room, and plopped down onto the couch next to his mom.

"Good Morning mi amor!" Linda grabbed Simons face and kissed him on the forehead.

"Morning mama." Simons leg began shake nervously, as he watched the door waiting for the prince to appear.

"Simon what's going on?"

"Willie talked to the press today, the artical about-"

Shit. Simon still hadn't told his mom that August released the tape.

"About what Mi amor?"

"Nothing special, just royalty stuff." Simon faked a laugh, then was interrupted by a knock on the door.

Simon sprung up quickly and ran to the door, he opened it and revealed willie.

Willie jumped at how fast the door was swung open. Simon stepped outside and closed the door behind him.

"Okay before you come in, make sure you don't bring up august. I haven't told momma yet."

Willie smiled at how cute Simon was when he was serious.

"I won't promise." Willie pulled Simon close and they shared a passionate kiss that lasted a few seconds.

Simon opened the door and let Willie in, Willie hung his navy coat on the rack and greeted Linda before they both entered Simons room.

Willie sat on the bed, Simon layed in his arms.

"Oh i forgot to tell you, Augusts throwing a party tonight and he invited us, but we don't have to go, I just thought it would be nice to take a break from everything." Willie said while combing his fingers through Simons curls.

"that will be fun, just know I am NOT going for August."

The two boys laid in silence waiting for the article to be published.

11:00 am

12:00 pm

1:00 pm

2:00 pm

3:00 pm

The hours kept passing and nothing was showing up.

"Shit, what if my mom found out."

"Willie, they will publish the article no matter what."

Simons hand found Willies, he traced the princes hand with his thumb as they kept waiting.



The boys refreshed the page one more time still nothing.

Willies phone dinged, it was a text from one of the writers.

Willie I'm so sorry, the story won't be out today, we want to make sure it's as good as it can be.

Thats okay! Thank you!

"Your fucking kidding me." Willie said under his breath. Simon looked over at him waiting for him to explain. "The article won't be out today."

"Your kidding." Simon threw his head back then looked back at Willie. "Well, I guess we should get ready for the party." Willie smiled and nodded, the boys stood up and freshened up before leaving.


When they arrived at the building where the previous party's had been held, the music was blasting to the point where you'd have to scream to let people know what your saying. colorful blue and green lights danced around on the walls.

They opened the door and walked in to see Max across the room staring dead at them.

"Why can't he just leave us alone."

"Willie he's just looking at us, i think he knows now that I'm not an option."

Willie interlocked his hand with Simon as they made their way to the center of the room.

"Want anything to drink?" Willie yelled hoping Simon could hear him through the music.

Simon nodded no, as Willie grabbed a shot and drank it.

Simon laughed then pulled Willie closer to kiss him. "I love you Willie." Simon looked deep into the princes eyes as the tension slowly began to heat up.

"I love you si." Willie pulled Simon closer and slowly began to kiss his neck, causing Simon to softly moan.

"Willie stop, I don't want people to hear me" Simon said, still allowing willie to do whatever he wants.

"I want people to hear you" Willies hand slid under Simons shirt as it traced the outline of Simons body. Simon inhaled deeply through pleasure, before gently pushing willie off.

"Don't do this to me in public. I won't be able to contain myself." Simon was serious and making sure Willie knew to stop.

Willie smirked and tilted his head in direction to the corner of the room.

To be continued...

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