What the fuck

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Wilhelm had been at the palace now for about a week, his mother already gave him a lecture about not sneaking out - Especially if it was going to see Simon.

When he had gotten home after the fight. He noticed that his wrist was a little swollen. Nothing to bad but he definitely couldn't move it without shrieking in pain.

He couldn't remember what he did to it. So he just assumed something happened when he was high. he tried his best not to move it at all.

Wilhelm couldn't get Simons words off his mind. Mainly because he had convinced himself they were true.

He wanted to send Simon a text. But he wanted to respect Simons decision of i don't wanna be anyones secret.

Wilhelm didn't want Simon to be a secret either, He wanted to tell the world that Simon is the person that he loves. But he understood the shit that would go down if he came out.

coming out? Wilhelm knew he wasn't gay. Since he found girls attractive - at least he thinks he does. He wondered if there was a sexuality that just meant - You have a massive crush on a guy called Simon who just turns out to be a boy -

Wilhelm layed in bed, watching the tv show Sex Education On Netflix, when he heard his mom call his name.

" Wilhelm, please come down it's time to take photos."

He layed there for a moment before getting up and heading down the stairs to meet his mom in the same room where he had to apologize for the mess that he was. And tell everyone that he had to go to a whole new school, where he would have a sexual awakening and a sex tape released to the world.

"Merry Christmas" His mother gave him a gentle smile that lacked any motherly love at all.

"thank you." Wilhelm gave his mother a nod before having to fake a smile, and act like everything was going amazing. Just so the world wouldn't see what a mess their future leader was.


The day came. Christmas break had ended, and Simon would have to see the prince. They still hadn't talked since the night of the fight, mainly because there was nothing to say.

Simon knew the right thing to do was to apologize. But he thought maybe it would be easier to get over Wilhelm by trying to forget he existed.

So that was Simons plan. To completely ignore Wilhelm. It would be easy right?

"Sara come on we're gonna be late!" Simon yelled as he threw his backpack around his shoulder.

"Coming." Sara said while coming to the door in a dress and a full face of makeup.

"What the hell? is it dress up day in school today or something?"

"No, I just though i'd start to make an effort in how i look. Unlike some people." Sara responded while looking Simon up and down in disgust.

"Jesus, no need to be so rude." Simon glared and walked out the door shutting it behind him, leaving Sara inside to open the door for herself.

As the bus pulled up to school, The first thing Simon saw was of coarse the one thing he didn't want to see. Wilhelm.

Wilhelm looked extra good today. Which didn't help Simons plan of Pretending The Prince doesn't exist.

As Simon got off the bus he walked straight to the door and never looked up from his feet, to avoid awkward eye contact with random people. More specifically Willie.

Just as he reached the door to the church he felt a hand grab his hand.

"Simon. can we please talk?"

It was willie, obviously. Who else would want to take the time out of their day to talk to Simon fucking Erikkson.

Simon slowly lifted his head to the ground up to Willies face. He met the princes eyes, and the butterflies came back. They always fucking come back at the worst times.

"Umm yeah sure" Simon replied, still locking eyes with Wilhelm. Wilhelm looked serious, making him even more hot.

What was happening. Plan prince already failed and the school day hadn't even started yet.

" The music room is empty, wanna go in their quick?" Wilhelm suggested

Simon nodded. Neither of them noticed their hand was still together as they walked to the room where almost every fight of theirs had been held.

They entered the room. Simon pulled himself up onto the window and sat there. Wilhelm stood in front of him.

"There's a lot i need to tell you. One i should have told you a long time ago" Wilhelm stared deeply into simons eyes letting him know this was serious.

"Go on"

"To start, im very sorry about my behavior. And not respecting that fact that you.. that you... don't wanna be with me." The words hurt Wilhelm to say.

"It not that i dont wanna be with you. I just don't wanna be-"

"anyones secret, I know. And i understand and completely respect that. It just, i can't stand you completely ignoring me."

"what do you mean, when did i ever ignore you?!"

"Simon, literally two second ago, you wouldn't even look up from the ground."

"Oh that." Simon looked back at his fidgeting hands as Wilhelm continued

" Can we at least still be friends? your the only one here that i feel like i can actually talk to. I don't wanna lose you."

Simon looked up at wilhelms soft eyes. It looked as if he was gonna start crying so Simon quickly responded

"yes of course we can still be friends." Simon smiled. Even though they both knew dang well in the end they wouldn't be able to resist each other's touch.

" Okay good. Now get prepared for this. "

Simon sat up showing Wilhelm that he was all ears.

"August..is the one who released the video, i found out the night you sang in the church" The words came out of Wilhelm's lips quickly, Wilhelm couldn't stand looking at Simon, knowing he would be furious with him and the fact he's just hearing this now.

"What. The. Fuck"

|I hope you guys like this story so far! I'm gonna try to post at least 1 chapter/part every day, and on the weekends i'll post a few more! Pls give me some suggestions, and things you want to see more of in the upcoming chapters. Thankyou!! |

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