I wanna be with you

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As Wilhelm left the room, he was very confused. Of course he wanted to be with Simon. And he understood that at this moment in Wilhelm's life, Simon only wanted to be friends. But Simons mouth was saying something, and his body was saying something completely different.

Wilhelm was now sitting in the first row waiting for the choir to come out. Mainly waiting for Simon.

"There's the gay prince he'd be perfect for you."

Wilhelm heard some boys talking about him a few rows back. He turned his head a bit to be able to hear better.

"Just because i'm gay, doesn't mean i'll date anyone. Plus we don't know if he's gay or not"

"He has a sex tape with a dude? Plus he is hot. I'm saying that and i'm straight. So if you were to date anyone in the school who would it be?"

"Umm well.." the boy started laughing

"Oh my god do you actually like someone?!"

Wilhelm turned his head to look back at the boys. The gay one was a blondie with wavy hair, he had light blue eyes and tan skin with freckles scattered all over. His friend, was a ginger, pale skin. green eyes. They must have been new, considering Wilhelm had never seen them before. He continued to listen into their conversation.

"I mean - i think he's cute."

"Okay- so who is it"

Blondie leaned over and whispered into the gingers boy ear.

"Isn't be dating the prince? He was literally the other boy in the video."

"I'm pretty sure they broke up after the video, I haven't seen them talk to eachother since."

Wilhelm's  heart sank. They were talking about Simon. His Simon. But at least people thought they weren't together anymore. Considering wilhelm wasn't allowed to interact with Simon.

The crowd quickly went quiet as the choir entered. Simon stood in the middle and started the choir off. Beautiful as always.

Simon kept glancing at Willie wanting to make eye contact like they used to, but Willie was zoned out staring at the floor lost in his thoughts while biting his nails.

what if Simon notices him and likes him back, And then they get together and are all happy t because simon wouldn't have to be a fucking secret. And then there i would be, alone. because the only person that i can ever love, i am forbidden to be with.

The song ended, and Simon walked past willie and slid him a note.

meet me in the locker room before class :)

Wilhelm had mixed thoughts about this note. It sounds normal till the smiley face at the end making it sound flirty.  Well the only way to know was to meet Simon in the locker room.

Simon waited for willie, sitting in the same spot they sat at when Willie had told them that they were in this together. Which clearly was a lie.

The prince quietly opened the door making sure no one saw him, so it wouldn't be suspicious.

He ran his hand through his hair before sitting on the bench in front of Simon.

"What's wrong? You seemed like you were terrified from my singing" Simon said looking concerned while he intertwined his legs with Wilhelm's.

"I just.. Simon, would you be up to dating someone again? that's not... me?" Simon sat there confused for a moment.

"Well, no. I'm not sure if i'd be completely ready. And i don't think you need to worry about that. I'm the only gay kid at this school." Simon untangled their legs and moved onto the bench Wilhelm was at. Simon leaned his head against Wilhelms shoulder while he waited for Wilhelm to keep talking.

"this blondie has a crush on you." Wilhelm quickly spat out the words, while looking down at there hands intertwined perfectly as if they were made for eachother.

Simon quickly sat up and let go of Wilhelm. The prince slowly turned his head to look at Simon. Simon sat their speechless, but almost looking as if he were interested.

"Is he cute?" Simon looked back at Wilhelm with a smile.  Wilhelm stood up and began to pace around the room with his hands behind his head. "Willie i'm joking, calm down. I'm not wanting to date anyone right now."

"But what if you see him, and like his personality, and then fall for him." Wilhelm said as he stopped to look at Simon.

Simon slowly stood up and fixed willies hair that was a mess from him freaking out. Wilhelm stood their admiring how pretty Simon was. Before he responded with the words

" Willie. I don't think i'll fall for anyone after meeting you."

Willie could feel his heart melt. All he wanted was to pull Simon close and kiss him... and maybe do a few other things. But he controlled himself.

"Simon." Willie stared at the pretty boy in front of him, while the boy fixed the collar on Wilhelms shirt.

"willie." Simon said with a smile still focused on the princes collar.

"I wanna come out. I wanna be with you."
Simon stopped what he was doing, and lowered his hands to meet with willies.

"Okay. But what about the royal family? Wouldn't it affect the Monarchy?" Simon said while slowly shaking his head.

"Yes, I'm aware of everything that would happen, but your worth it." Willies hands found their way to Simons waist and Willie pulled Simon a-couple inches closer.

"Okay, if you really want to, then do it. How are you planning on coming out?"

"This weekend Im meeting with the press again, to catch them up on how my studies are going. I'll tell them then"

Simon nodded, and stepped away from Wilhelm's body. Putting out the tiny bit of heat they had.

"Until then though, we are still friends." Simon said while staring at Wilhelms lips. Obviously thinking the same way as Willie.

"Understood." The prince smiled. When all of a sudden the bell rang for class to start. shit.

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