Teachers pet

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Simon quickly saw willie and pushed Max off. Willie ran out of the bathroom as if someone was yelling for him to come out right away.

Willie kept running down the hallway into the room where Simon and him shared their first kiss.

Willie opened the window and quickly took off his sweatshirt to try and cool down. His palms were sweating, and he couldn't breath. He started to pound his head with his palms. But his breathing only got faster and heavier.

His hand began to rub his chest when he looked in the doorway to see Simon.

"Willie are you okay?" Simon said sincere and calm whilst rubbing the sweat off the palm of his hands by sliding them across his pockets.

Willie lowered his hand from his chest and stared at Simon with glossy eyes

Simon made his way over to Wilhelm, Simon ran his fingers through Wilhelm's hair, then pulled him into a hug.

"Why did you kiss him Si." wilhelm's asked as he slowly let go of Simon. And lowered his hands to Simons waist.

"He kissed me, i promise. I should have pulled away, but I was just in shock i didn't understand what was happening."

"He's a fucking joke, i told you to stay away from him."

"Willie do not put this on me. He kissed me, i didn't want him to. I was yelling at him after he was talking crap about our relationship." Simons tone was serious. Wilhelm could definitely tell Simon was annoyed

There was a moment of silence as Willie was trying to process everything being said. He then switched his eyes from the ground back up to Simon. He crossed his arms before quietly saying

"Okay I trust you." Wilhelm thought for a moment more " What did he say about us?"

"it doesn't matter." Simon said while slowly shaking his head

Wilhelm grabbed Simons hand and looked back at him. "Simon."

"ughh..He just was saying that he... I don't even know, he's just a jealous asshole so I just told him how much I love you."

Wilhelms heart dropped. Simon finally said it back.

Simon licked his lips before pulling willies lips to his and interlocking them.

Simons arms flung lazily around Willies neck, the prince grabbed on tighter to Simons waist to pull him closer.

"mmm wait" Simon said while slowly pulling away from Willie. "We have class."

"In no way are we going back to that class."

"Okay but we have all of our other classes still"

Wilhelm groaned then kissed Simon once more. "I really wish you weren't such a teachers pet."

Simons mouth hung opened " With someone who is going to be the future king, I suggest you pay more attention to school then to your boyfriend."

Wilhelm laughed, then grabbed Simons hand, they had about 10 minutes till 2nd hour. So they decided to just walk around. Luckily First hour was the only hour they had with max.

The school day ended, Simon had to go back home since Sara was apparently having a mental breakdown and his mom didn't know what to do. so Wilhelm was in his own room on his phone.

i miss you

Willie, i've been gone for like an hour



and we have to learn to spend some time apart . For this summer and everything. But i miss you too. call me❤️

Wilhelm clicked the facetime button, and the call began to ring. When Simon picked up, Willie could here a lot of yelling in the backround.

Simon was laying on his bed in his room. Trying to block the yelling out.

"Simon is everything okay?"

"I don't know. Sara has been such a bitch since she started dating August."

"I'm not surprised, do you think she knows that August released the video?"

"No, she would have never gotten with him if she knew that. At least i don't think she would."
there was a pause, then Wilhelm spoke up.

"We should tell her, then she'll break up with him."

"I want to, but she won't even talk to me. Like what the fuck did i do."

"I mean you did start punching him.."

"fuck off." Simon said with a grin.

"Mom i'm not going back to our old school! I don't understand why i have to leave all my friends because Simon messes up!" Sara yelled from outside Simons door.

"Si? what does she mean going back to your old school?" Willie said concerned

"I don't know." Simon got up out of bed and walked into the kitchen, Wilhelm still on his phone. Sara and Linda both stood there glaring at eachother. "momma what's going on?"

[sorry for the shortish chapter. IM ALSO SO SORRY FOR THE LONG DELAY. I have been so busy with school etc. But i'll be writing more now :) thank you for reading!! Comment some things you wanna see happen next❤️‍🔥]

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