Jedi Knight Shira

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She comes from a planet close to Tatooine

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She comes from a planet close to Tatooine. The species is called Pantherian Leotah's. It was never investigated as it was home to a race of feline like warriors who called themselves the Daylight Sisters. Unlike the Night Sisters who were witches the Day Sisters are a warrior tribe. All males were exiled to the south side of the planet which is always in darkness. Shira is the first member of the tribe to wield the force. She was the Padawan to Master Kenobi after the clone wars but she soon left to study under Asoka Tano.

She is a very aggressive female and tends to get annoyed very easily. She has two light sabers handed down by Ahsoka as well as a Energy Bow. She tends to use the bow more than the sabers. She gets really aggressive towards anyone who uses tractor beams on ships or escape pods.

Pantherian Leotah's are a race of feline related creatures. Whether that feline be Lion, Jaguar, or Tiger, you'll find all kinds on the planet. Because of a war the males were exiled to the south side of the planet where it is freezing causing the males to have to become more equipped to handle it with thicker fur, and the need to eat less. The females live on the warm side so their fur is thin and are able to hunt, forage, and heal.

A strange Virus resides in all Pantherians, it is not deadly but any species that catches it slowly turns into a Pantherian Leotah. It is only able to be caught once from a Pantherian so it is constantly jumping from host to host. The only species immune to the virus are Lupitheones or any dog related species of 'aliens'.

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