Great now we have to start all over part 2

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For now there we all were watching as the mall people took down the letters of our dojo as we sat at a table together. We thought we'd always have each other. Milton said there were many things he was gonna miss and that strangely enough one of those things was the rat living under the radiator. Jerry was confused by this because Rudy told him it was a dog and he'd let the rat kiss him as he wiped his face as if it mattered now. Who knows when that had been? The dojo was the thing that kept us together. Eddie was saying. We don't need the dojo to keep us together right Jack? Kim asked him. She was hopeful as was I. He said of course with a smile one his face we all smiled. He thought nothing was going to change and then 3 months had passed.

I had been sad and upset. Feeling depressed when we all went our separate ways. It was just the 3 of us now. I told Jack to leave me alone that I wanted to be alone and not to disturb me that I'd be in my room so much that it would be like I wasn't even there. He called after me but grandpa knew it was best to just give me a little bit of space. After all what could possibly go wrong? Any more than what had already gone wrong? The worst seemed to be upon us. No one stayed in touch not even Jack and I. Why had he let me do that? Why had grandpa insist Jack respect my wishes? They had tried so hard to prove that they were my friend.

But we were all strangers again now. Rudy was happy with his new life. That first day I went and saw mom. They told her she had a visitor. I picked up the phone and as did she. She looked at me with hatred in her eyes. But saw the sad look on my face and beamed. To what do I owe the pleasure? You were right mom. A sentence I hated having to say. I ruin everything I touch. Tell me more she told me. Our sensei got a new job the dojo's rivals took over and we all quit. We thought we'd have each other still stay in contact. But I even pushed Jack away. They thought they didn't need the dojo to keep us together. I wish there had been more when Jack said we didn't. He thought things would never change.

I wish he had said they wouldn't because they had me. That I would keep them together. I thought they were my friends. We fought together and trained together and they were all friendly and they protected me and took care of me. They told me they were my friends. Oh my dear the world is a dark nasty and cruel and even if it finds one ray of sunlight it destroys it. You should know that by now you had me for a mother. Or have I taught you nothing? I swallowed hard. Of course they're not really your friends. Maybe you don't really mean as much to your big brother as you both thought you did. Look at you look at the way you act and dress! You came crawling back to me because you messed up because you have no one. Because you're all alone and your world crumbled around you.

You thought it would never happen. That fantasy world you built. How could anyone love a thing like you?! After all your father had a heart attack and died because of you. You're a liability a mess no one wants to clean up its too much work anyways. They tried once after all and look where you are now?! It brings a tear to my eye. Jack tried to go after me grandpa insisted he leave me alone. Well its all you've ever known it was natural for you to want to be alone when that's all you ever were when you were with me even before Jack left you. He could've stayed and fought for you stood up for you against me called someone. No he ran away he left you when you needed him most.

Does he even know where you are? The look on your face says it all. Because you knew he wouldn't approve. You want to keep everyone together thinking if I was involved they would come crawling back to you. But no one knows where you are. Where does he think you are right now? In my room being sad lonely and depressed. And what are you really planning? Practice self defense and my karate skills go to a studio and sing I need something in my life that gives me hope and that's theatre and music. And where will you go? Back home to the attic where no one will think to look for me. Because I need some time alone.

I was always alone up till these last couple of months but now everything's falling apart. We don't have a reason to stay together. I lost everything. And what if I had something to do with it? That I wasn't good enough. Not enough to fight for? You were right mom. Since then I live in my old bedroom. And still that's where Jack thinks I am. G-D teenage boys are so oblivious. Shouldn't he had wanted to be there for me? To be there with me? Let us go through this time period in our lives together? I guess not! Leave her alone grandpa said. And he did. Time flew by all the days seem to mix together. He would've never had known that I was never there. Whether it had been days weeks or months since he last saw me.

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