You better work

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It was Monday again the worst day of the week. If you don't count Sunday the last day before Monday. And Eddie was preaching to the choir. I hate Mondays! He was saying as he and Milton walked into the dojo. Rudy comes in all depressed about how lonely his weekend was. Yeah but if anyone knows what's like to be alone and depressed its Farrah. Milton starts. No she's sadly the opposite not depressed to be alone just used to it. Don't talk about me like I'm not in the room (outfit 66) I walk over to my locker and grab my brush. Sorry they in sync apologized. It's fine at least its not anything bad. Just the cold hard truth. Anyways now he's got something to compare it to. Well you don't know Rudy like we do Farrah. It's usually a stoned silence or a muffled sob and I can smell the sob beginning to start in the air Milton warned us.

But Kim said she and Jack were on top of it. First they had a giant cookie but then Milton told them that all he'd called him telling him that he'd planned on watching his cat lick himself all weekend and that's when they decided that they needed a bigger cookie. Actually Kim I'm not really that great at keeping people happy I'm just getting used to it. You know how long I've been trying to make my sister happy? I've just recently found a way to do that. As of the time I lost my memories. I couldn't help but roll my eyes. Fortunately Rudy came in with a big wide happy grin on his face saying he had the best weekend ever. Fingers crossed.

Turns out he'd gone on a date with our health teacher. You remember her Rudy fell in love with her when he went back to high school and he was a big teachers pet and she kind of liked him too. Disturbed everyone including her I think boyfriend the gym teacher. We all wanted to know why she would think to do that but according to Rudy she saw what everyone else didn't that he was apparently dateable. Jerry came in really excited about his new shoes and said that they were hiring. Jack got excited that that meant that they could get jobs. Because for Jack that meant he could start taking care of me better he'd be paying for things he'd have money. Not that I cared. He's my brother not my parent not that I have any of those anymore. One dead one in jail forever hopefully. And then grandpa. Not my parent but he takes care of me and my brother.

The shoes came with a button to give them more air and more bounce except it bounced him into the ceiling of the dojo. That night they went to the store so that Jerry could show off. The store was kind of cool. For a shoe store that is. Dude we gotta get jobs here. Jerry announced. Ok, look we talked about working here together Jack cut him off. They either hire both of us or neither of us. They sat in the room with the guy in charge he was dressed as a referee. Stretching his leg against the top of the desk saying how they believe the costumer is always right. As its supposed to be. Then Jerry said something kind of stupid only just kind of he said that he and Jack believed that not only were the costumers always right but that the boys were always wrong. He turned to Jack for his help to agree with him but Jack tried to say no and then Jerry cut him off saying he'd take care of it.

When they started arguing their boss guy Max blew his whistle to make them stop. Man I wish I had one of those. He told them they would be in touch and that he had everything they were heading out the door when Jack made a joke and Max welcomed him to the team hired him right on the spot. But Jack said if he hired Jack he had to hire Jerry as well. He told them that in the shoe business we don't break up a pair. No matter how defective one of them is. Because of Jack Max hired Jerry and told them that they started tomorrow. He gave them both whistles. And then the next day at school (outfit 68) we were sitting in health class listening to Milton give some kind of presentation and it was grossing us all out. But our teacher wasn't even paying attention because she was thinking about Rudy doodling in her notebook making the rest of our class as easy as cake.

But Kim didn't do her report and she knew how to get out of it. All she had to do was mention Rudy a lot and make our teacher all giggly and swoon and then she gave her an A+. Then she walked out the door. After school Jerry and Jack were working. Jerry was trying to help a customer but was having a hard time. She asked for a petite but even though her foot was too big and he joked that of course he'd get her something that would fit her but that he needed a blacksmith first to get the other shoe off of her. Then all the employees were called forward and told some NBA guy someone or other was gonna be coming in person to sell his shoes or something like that. IDK IDK anything about shoes or basketball players. Yes, I know a girl that doesn't know shoes its the 21st century. And then when they broke apart they caught someone trying to steal a pair of shoes while Jack ran after him. The guy he caught tried to fight Jack off but of course Jack won but this guy did have moves of his own but not enough to beat Jack.

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