Great now we have to start all over part 1

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There everyone was at the mall. Rudy was in his karate gear with an earpiece. He was doing karate in front of everyone for like a free lesson or whatever. At least that's what the sign said. But nobody seemed to be watching or listening. Said we had lots of energy to burn. And if people didn't believe them then look at his students but right now Eddie and Jerry were asleep. Also they weren't good examples anyways because they're just yellow and orange belts. And Jerry fell out of his chair. And then Milton was up next. He pretended that he was a random person asking Rudy a question as a weak little nerd. Is it true that you can teach me how to break a board with my bare hands?

Rudy said yes. And that one of his students would teach him. It was Jack's turn but he wasn't there yet. Ok then plan B Rudy whispered. Farrah. He called me up. Where's your brother? Beats me. Two years he was gone and when he's gone now I never know what we'll see each other again. Even if its for 10 mins. Not that I can't take care of myself. But when Jack is gone I don't stand nearly enough chance on my own against my enemies especially when the others minus Kim are all belts lower than me. That being said. I can do the demo. But Kim was also a no show. And having neither of them there made me panic. And since Eddie couldn't do it I should be able to. But Rudy wanted to take a moment to regroup.

As soon as he said that that's when Jack and Kim showed up. They were ready but they looked tired. Where have you 2 been my demo started 20 mins ago? Rudy complained at them. Your sister has been worried sick. I'm sorry Rudy Farrah I forgot to set my alarm clock. How? I got up in time. Why didn't you wake me? I tried. Trust me. All but anything that would backfire on me. I rolled my eyes. And then I couldn't find my uniform. And by the time I found it I missed the bus. I skateboarded and my uniform was right in my locker. Kim admitted she just didn't want to be there. Rudy was upset that it may not matter anyways because these people weren't even into karate. But as soon as he said that the Black Dragons all got on the stage thing and everyone loved it but they were all there all in uniform and dot dot dot.

What are you doing here Ty?! Rudy asked him. Because it was his demo but Ty said they were giving the people a good taste of the Black Dragons. Jack show 'em what you got! Rudy told him. Come on Farr's. He called me up. Are you sure? Of course. We do things together or not at all. I smile at him and jump up onto the stage with him. So we break the boards and people applaud. And then when Rudy tries to show off for Ty Ty has one of his guys break 4 boards. People were so impressed. Yeah ok but Jack could do that in his sleep. And he can break the cinder blocks too. I confirm. So could you. You know? He turns to me. I smirk and flip my hair. But even Milton was asking Ty about joining. And then Rudy and Ty were fighting over Milton while the rest of the audience was getting autographs from the Black Dragons. Not good! They fought over him until they ripped his clothes off and everyone laughed at him. Poor Milton.

In the dojo Jack was trying to look on the bright side of things like how it hadn't been a total failure. Kim was holding an application which Jack thought was someone that signed up but Kim said it hadn't been filled out yet. Our dojo may be smaller but we were still better than them. And we had the trophies to prove it. Rudy was upset that the demo was supposed help get people into the dojo so that the dojo could become something and make something for itself. It did make something. It brought Jack and I back together after 2 years and with it I have long lasting friendships. But if the dojo wasn't around what would happen to me? I thought to myself. And would Jack leave again?! No! I refused to think like that. But Rudy kept talking as if I hadn't said anything he felt we didn't him or the place seriously. I felt bad but I also thought I had. It's like another home to me. Jack even backed me up that we said it wasn't true. But then Joan came in saying something about a chimp coming back to wear Rudy's clothes.

But to prove Rudy's point more he was upset that they let a chimp wear his uniform and Milton made things worse by saying how funny it was. And from the back it had looked just like him. Jack and I were trying to prove that he was wrong but Milton wasn't helping things. And then Rudy marched away to go answer his phone. He said it was his uncle Blake and he was on his way to Seaford right now. We thought that was great but Rudy told us it wasn't. He said when he graduated he was given money to go to business school. But that didn't happen because he used the money to open the dojo. And all this time he thought Rudy was a successful business man. Milton couldn't believe he lied to his family but Rudy said lies were the glue that kept a family together. Well IDK about that Rudy. My mother was honest about how she felt about me. And because of her hatred for me Jack left but once I found him we're together again but I needed money for that.

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