That wasn't in the script

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Today for some reason there was a police helicopter circling around the mall flying pretty low. Jerry was concerned that they knew what he did as he sat with Eddie and Milton at a table. Even though I wasn't there in that moment I had to wonder what it was that Jerry did. Luckily Eddie asked him anyways. Jerry thought they were upset at him for taking 4 extra sauce packets from the place they had gotten food from. Milton said it wasn't him that someone had broken out of the correctional facility. Jerry walked away when he thought that was a relief. And then the guy the police had been looking for all morning showed up. He had on a bandana a black shirt and the orange criminal pants. Just as a police officer was walking out of Phil's.

The guy hid from the police behind a newspaper but when Jerry came back he told the others what he saw. They knew the guy was the person they were looking for. Milton said he would signal to the police helicopter subtly but there was nothing subtle of the way he did it. He shouted at them and pointed him out and then told the guy they saw not to move. As if that was gonna happen. That's when Jack Kim and I (outfit 75)came out of Phil's with our food. And saw what was happening. While the rest of our friends hid behind old people Jack and Kim went to fight him together and Jack had pushed me to the side so I wouldn't get hurt. But Jack?! I started. No just stay back! He warned me. I don't want anything bad happening to you. And so Jack and Kim fought the bad guy and then the police came and got him to take him back to jail.

But when it ended Jerry took the credit. Ok, shows over people we got him. While Kim and Jack gave him "really" looks. Since they hid the whole time. But at least I hadn't gotten hurt. Milton said the bad guy was lucky he didn't need to deal with him and intro him to his fists Laverne and Shirly. As the police took the bad guy away he growled at Milton and scared the other 3 away. Cowards! I would've taken him on myself with not a scratch if Jack hadn't told me no. And then when it came to practice while the rest of us were dressed for practice waiting to get started Kim and Jack came in to tell us that they had been on news all day. While I sat on the bench in my gear hands on my face. Farrah I'm sorry. Jack told me. I just didn't want you to get hurt. I could've taken him Jack I know what I'm doing! Farrah you have been through enough pain that last you a lifetime I'd like to be able to do something to make it so that you don't get hurt.

I'm trying to protect you. It's too little too late for that Jack! This is my way of protecting myself. And my friends so that what happened to me doesn't happen to the people I care about! You were too young to help me back then but I did everything myself. I escaped I trained I found my way to you and I am also a black belt like you and like Kim. I am just as good as you if not better but I am always dismissed because of my size and age. I would've thought you would be the last person to do the same thing. Farrah that's not what....I put my headphones in and stopped listening. They were a gift I'd gotten for my birthday to let me listen to music. Grandpa had given me a phone one of modern technology. Thought I would need it. Also it would apparently help me fit in or something like that. So he changed topics back to Kim. Apparently they were interviewed and that it sounded like the way Kim explained it sounded like she took on the guy all on her own.

And then Rudy walked out with a guy that was dressed like he didn't belong here to see Jack and Kim. And then the headphones came out as I watched and listened. It was a movie star that did a bunch of action movies. And he was great and we'd seen them all. Not my favorite things ever to watch. But they did help me through tough times. He said he'd seen them on the news. And we wondered what he was doing in our dojo. He turned back to Jack and Kim to tell them he wanted them in his movie. He told us he was directing the best marital arts movie ever. He said it was about survival and it was called the Karate Games. Kim said they loved it but they weren't actors he said they were perfect because actors were fake and they were real. He asked them about being stars Kim and Jack were happy about that excited for Hollywood. As I sat there on the bench still looking at them upset. Ok I'll go but there is one major life or death condition I need to take care of first. I won't go anywhere without my sister. My face lit up. The truth is if I hadn't pushed her away she probably could've taken him down on her own. Whether because she's got skill and talent or because she's crazy. Deal let's go!

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