In it to win it

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It was a typical day at the dojo except for that Kim wasn't around today. So, that meant that I(outfit 40) (I don't think I have to keep saying with jeans as long as I hope that you all assume its with jeans) was the only girl in the dojo today. And Jack had gone and set up the blocks of wood while our friends watched us and then Jack and I raced each other to see who could break their boards faster.

But Jack won, had it been on accuracy I would've wo, but he was faster, and everyone was in wow. Typically the only reason why people are in awe of me is because I'm the youngest of the group and can do a lot of things still that they can't do as well as I do them, but when Jack can do the same thing and better, well I'm still the youngest and I can do things better then the 3 of them can't so there.

Some might say that since Jack and I were the best in the dojo, or they all know that Jack is and I'm the youngest but being the youngest and being able to do what I can at the level I'm at too people talk they hear about you, they ask you both to compete in tournaments, and Jack and I have been working really hard to be prepared for this weekend especially since Rudy's really competitive.

And as if though to prove it we thought he was talking about like serious stuff hoping we were ready for this weekend to compete, but in Rudy's box of stuff he'd brought in was a bunch of useless stupid pranks instead. Where Jack was looking forward to winning and kicking butt Rudy was all like let's have some fun it will be just us 3 making memories. Jack and I gave Rudy a questioning look since he didn't seem to be taking this very seriously.

Milton was excited that his anniversary with Julie was coming up and had hand made her a chocolate rose to find that Jerry had eaten it and it unleased his inner animal as he flipped him onto his back in rage. And then Jerry confessed that Eddie ate some of his rose too and Milton chased after him. Leaving Jerry still on the ground and Jack and I giving each other questioning looks as we watched Milton run out the door.

And when come the next day (outfit 41) when Rudy Jack and I flew out to San Francisco for the tournament we arrived at our hotel, and since there was no way I was sleeping in a room with the two guys we had gone and made sure I'd have my own room. While Rudy was setting up the room Jack turns to me and asks if I'd be ok on my own. I think so. You know we're just right next door right? That since our rooms are together the two rooms have that one locked door in the middle that leads to the other room next to them? He questions.

Rudy has an extra key if something should happen, and you can call or text me at any time if you can't sleep or you have a bad dream or whatever. I'll come in and lay with you until you're ok again. Promise? Pinky promise. But come on check out this room is it amazing or what? Yeah its great, now we'll unpack and get a good night sleep and hit the ground running in the morning. I just need one drawer of space and that's it, you can take the rest Rudy.

I won't need it, he says dumping his stuff on his bed with a satellite dish in it, said that it would be too expensive at the hotel that he brings this everywhere with him, and he does it all the time and that it was perfectly safe and attached it to the T.V. as it then proceeded to fly out the window. And on that note goodnight guys I'll be next door if you need anything. Sweet dreams Farrah Jack calls after me.

But at school Milton and Julie were celebrating their anniversary and she got him this really big card that she was said was as big as her love for him and he couldn't even get it inside of his locker, and it covered his whole body. And around the corner Jerry was bummed he'd failed another Spanish test even though he speaks it fluently, but even though he does turns out he has no idea what anything he said meant. That could be the problem.

But on the other hand Eddie was upset that he had girl problems because girls won't even talk to him except myself and Kim but I guess to them we don't count, and that was his problem. Then Milton began turning into a Dr. Phil and he was telling Eddie that he lacks confidence and to make the girls feel the loss of not wanting to know him or to go out with him, and as for Jerry he speaks Spanish that he shouldn't think about it as a test but as having a convo with a piece of paper which to Jerry seemed to make a lot of sense.

They asked about all this new great advice he was giving them and he said that he must've found his inner voice after those moves he pulled the other day. Inside Rudy and Jack's room Jack was fast asleep and Rudy was watching kung fu movies and eating food and drinking soup very loudly and had all this stuff spread out and windchimes everywhere but also not a single peep out of me from the other room, which was good.

He didn't wake up till the windchimes were tossed over his bed. And then they sat on Rudy's bed and watched the Kung Fu movie Rudy was watching. I see this going very badly since they weren't gonna be getting any sleep probably that night. Then they saw a really cool move that Bobbi did and Jack had this great idea that they should do it for the competition but that Rudy said it took years of practice to do that move and perfect it, and that it was impossible. Besides Farrah would have to learn it too he says nudging his head in the direction of my room.

But now that it was almost time to get up that's when Rudy told them they should be gong to bed. And the next day at school Jerry told Milton he took his advice but that he thought the teacher gave him two staked up Ds which Milton had to explain was a B and then Jerry practically all but passed out. And Eddie had also taken his advice and had a date that night with a pretty girl.

And then they turned to see a bunch of people lined up outside of Milton's locker all wanting his advice. But when Julie came to him asking about their anniversary dinner he told her he'd love to talk to her but that she had to get to the back of the line to talk to him, as he went to give advice to the first person in that line. And Julie stormed off upset.

Back with us (outfit 42) we'd ran into another "friend" of Rudy's like we seem to do a lot of these days and he said he and his student were also here for the event we were here for and they said they were gonna win. Well these are my TWO best students Jack and Farrah and we're also competing. Oh you are you? And what's this little GIRL gonna do? Huh? Talk my ear off and gossip behind my back? She's too tiny to ride this ride, sorry sweetie this game is for the big kids, but I think I saw a Barbie doll house missing its doll a mile back that way, I think I saw it next to the mall. Here's $30 go get yourself a makeover, since you can't play with the big boys maybe you can go change your appearance and look like a real girl?!

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