Chapter 13 • Learning

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Another bleak, miserable day. I lie in bed, no feelings, just a tingling static that buzzes through my body. I trace the intricacies of my ceiling with my eyes, before a clanking sound from outside breaks my focus. Sitting up, I turn to the window and peer outside.

Everyone is outside. Eda and Lilith sit in desks, Eda seems to be carving into hers. Luz stands in front of a chalkboard, activating glyphs and scaring a sleeping King. Another day of Luz's magic bootcamp, I assume.

I take a deep inhale and run my hand through my tangled hair. Dux shimmies out from underneath this bunched up blanket. His head pops out and he chirps. His happy demeanor turns to one of worry as he looks at me.

"You don't look so good..." He comments.

"Yeah." I sigh out. "I haven't been able to do anything. It's really messing with my head."

I hold my palm to my forehead. Its temperature feels normal, but it hurts like hell. I groan and slide out of bed. Dux climbs up my arm and into my hair. I slip on my Emperor's Coven hoodie and some shoes and walk outside. Dux settles in my hood as I exit the house.

King sees me almost immediately and rushes over. His tail is still bushy from being scared, and he urges me to pick him up. I do so and saunter over to Luz and the sisters. Lilith catches my figure from the corner of her eye and looks my way. She tilts her head at my appearance.

"Where did you get that sweatshirt?" She points to my hoodie.

"Stole it." I gaze into the forest with disinterest.

"That's my girl!" Eda looks up from her desk carving and pumps a fist in the air.

"Guys, pay attention!" Luz flips the chalkboard over to reveal their lesson. "Today we're learning how to alter glyphs to do specific things!"

Lilith's attention is pulled back to the lesson. She hurries to scribble down the glyph.

"Miss teacher, did I do it right?" She holds up her paper to reveal a perfect glyph diagram.

"Yeah! That's really good!" Luz compliments with a smile. "Let's see how you're doing, Eda."

Eda sits up straight and looks down at her carving with crazed happiness. She lifts her hand up to hit the surface of the desk.

"I- I don't think that's such a good-" Luz stutters.

"Double glyph combo, go!" Eda brings her hand down, activating the glyphs.

The glyphs start to flash and glow. Everyone's eyes widened. The top of the desk explodes, leaving its remains black and charred. King clutches onto my hoodie and buries his head into my chest. I pet his back to try and give him some comfort.

"Oh dang, I was hoping for more of an ice blast situation." Eda furrows her eyebrows at the failed experiment.

I tune out as Luz begins to lecture Eda. I watch the leaves on the trees swaying. The farther back I look into the trees, the darker it gets. Pitch black, unknowing, hiding things I couldn't possibly guess. A shiver runs up my spine as I think about the fact that coven scouts could be watching us all this very minute.

Hooty flies past me, nearly knocking me off my feet. It breaks me from my trance as I stumble backwards. I glare at the demon as it pops in front of Eda and Lilith.

"Toot toot! The Hexside train is a-coming! Chugga-chugga!" He exclaims, grabbing Luz by the collar of her uniform.

"Uh okay, uh, Y/n's in charge while I'm gone. Bye!" Luz shouts.

Hooty carries her away, leaving me alone with the sisters. I raise my eyebrows, shocked, as the sisters look my way.

"Oh, uh," I sputter out. "King's in charge." I sat him on the ground.

Tragedy (A Golden Guard/Hunter x Reader)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora