Chapter 4 • Midnight Trip

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It had been a couple of days since Hunter and I had hung out, and he is the only thing plaguing my mind. I hadn't even really been out of my room much, which Eda didn't seem to mind considering she was with Luz most of the time. Though, I know that as soon as Eda sees me she'll bombard me with questions.

She's always pushed me to talk to more people, but I always found there were more important things to do. Plus, being a highly wanted criminal, trying to be a people person doesn't seem like the smartest idea.

I lay in bed staring up at the ceiling thinking over the events of a couple of nights ago, for the millionth time. I tear my mind from Hunter and drag myself out of bed. I make my way downstairs to try and find something else to fill my mind with. I walk into the living room and find Eda playing Hexus Hold'em with Owlbert. I groan, knowing how problematic this addiction can get. Eda sets fire to Owlbert's characters and cackles victoriously. She looks up and smiles at me, excited.

"I've been waiting to talk to you." She scoots over and pats the new seat next to her.

"Where's Luz?" I ask, taking a seat.

"Sleeping still, I think." Eda shrugs not entirely sure. I nod and wait for Eda to continue with her previous thought. "So, how was your little date?" Eda wiggles her eyebrows suggestively. My face bursts into a bright red as I push Eda away.

"I told you! It wasn't a date!" I shout defensively. Eda rolls her eyes.

"Suuure..." She smiles and shakes her head.

"By the way," I start, turning more serious. "could we not talk about Hunter around Luz?" Eda tilts her head with a confused look.

"Why?" She asks curiously.

"Hunter's a good guy and I don't want him to make Luz think that's how everyone in the Emperor's Coven acts. They really are bad people, and I don't want Luz to underestimate them and get herself into trouble. We both know she's pretty good at that." I chuckle, trying to lighten the mood. Eda gives me a comforting side hug and nods.

"I getcha, kid. You make a good point, and if that's really what you want, I won't speak a word." Eda looks into my eyes and speaks with such sincerity it melts my heart. I smile gratefully and hug her tightly.

"Thank you." I mumble into her chest. She rubs my back as she returns the hug. I pull away after a short while. "Now," I turn to the coffee table in front of the couch. "Who's winning?"

• • •

Eda, Luz, King, and I all walk through the bustling marketplace in search of my main man, Morton.

Eda realized that we're out of elixirs and the mere thought of that puts me on edge. So, we decided to take a nice family trip to the market.

We reach the small potion shop and walk up to talk to Morton.

"Hi, Morton!" I grab his attention easily. He stands up from looking under the counter and his face lights up.

"Y/n! Eda! Welcome back!" We do our designated handshake before talking business. Eda explains our elixir shortage and waits for Morton to grab his stock. Unfortunately, he shakes his head and explains that he's totally out at the moment. My face drops and my heart starts to speed up. I can't stand the thought of going through the pain of succumbing to my curse. Eda looks over at me and notices that I'm starting to spiral into a panic attack. She speaks up quickly.

"Well, where else can we get some, then?" She pushes. Morton steps back noticing the shift in Eda's tone.

"The Night Market. A guy named Grimm Hammer." He stutters out nervously. Eda groans but accepts that as her only answer. I shiver as my last encounter from the Night Market flashes into my mind. I can nearly smell the rancid breath of that creep.

Tragedy (A Golden Guard/Hunter x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now