Chapter 10 • Just Visiting

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"Hey, Eda?" I walk into the living room, wringing my hands nervously.

"What's up, kiddo?" She moves her gaze from the window to me.

"What're you looking at?" I question, tilting my head curiously.

"Ah, don't worry about it." With the twirl of her finger, the curtains close. "You wanted something?" She moves the subject back to my original intent.

"Oh, right." I breathe out shakily, worried how Eda will react. "I saw Althea yesterday..."

"Oh..." She fiddles with part of her dress. "That's what all that was about." She mumbles.

"What are you talking about?"

"There was a box left on the porch for you this morning." Eda picks up a small brown box from the coffee table.

With a confused look I grab the box. Written directly onto the cardboard are the words 'For Y/n' in fancy cursive. I slip off the top and set it down. A folded piece of paper puffs up. I grab it and unfold it. It's written in the same beautiful cursive.

Dear Y/n,

I thought you'd find this useful. It looked like your style. Just place it where you find the most convenient. It can be moved, but it's a hassle. If you have any questions, ask Eda. She should know enough to answer any you may have. If not, ask me next time you come for a lesson, I'd be happy to help!



P.S. Keep me updated with you and Hunter. I've never seen Hunter so worried. You two are adorable, and Titan knows Hunter won't tell me anything.

My cheeks flush thinking about Hunter, but I move on before I get too caught up. I set the letter with the lid and peer into the box. Surrounded by white fluff, a shiny gem sits. Its shape resembles that of a carnivore's tooth. Carefully, I pick it up and examine it closely.

"Your very own gem, huh?" Eda leans in to look at the small precious stone.

"I guess so..." I began to think of the most suitable place to put this thing.

I know about these, sure. They're to keep track of curses, and how they're affecting your magic. It floods with black when your curse begins to bubble through. A lot of witches would use them primarily for fashion, but not so much anymore. Luckily, I don't go to school where people may make fun of me for trying to bring back old trends. The only problems, I had no idea where to put it, or how to attach it.

"Any suggestions on where to put it?" I look up at Eda.

"Hmm..." She holds her chin, watching the gem in thought. "Well, I find mine being on my chest pretty inconvenient, since I can't see it, so definitely somewhere easily visible."

"So..." I flip my dominant hand palm up. "Like my wrist?"

"Yeah! That would be perfect."

"How do I put it on?" I position the gem where I would want it on my wrist.

"Make sure it's in the right place, then just push it down for a second. It might tingle." Eda points to the gem as she talks.

I look at Eda as she explains the process. Then, I look down at the gem, anxiously. I take a deep breath and gently set the gem down. I adjust it quickly, so it's straight. With a firm press, I feel the skin under the gem tingle. My skin fuses with the bottom of the gem. A few seconds after the tingling sensation stops I release my grip. I shake my arm a little to ensure it's secure, then I admire my new accessory.

Tragedy (A Golden Guard/Hunter x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now