Chapter 8 • A Talk

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I can't sleep.

I've spent all day thinking of how tomorrow is going to go, and now I'm spending all night doing the same. The knot in my stomach has remained in it's place, swelling with every passing minute. Eda, Luz, and King have all attempted to talk to me about unrelated topics, but I can't even spare the brain capacity to respond. I think I'm making them worry, which makes everything worse. Still, I'm awake.

The sun peers through my window as it rises slowly. I snap from my thoughts as it blinds me. My heart drops, realizing I haven't slept and probably look terrible. I scramble to get out of my blanket cocoon, only tangling myself more, to rush downstairs to Eda. If I ask, she'll put a sleep spell on me. I stop, mid panic, and reevaluate.

I'll sound like a crazy person if I ask Eda to cast a spell on me. She's probably already worried.

I shake my head and lay back down, deciding against it. I starfish across my bed, my blankets woven in and out of my limbs. I stare up at my ceiling, hopeless. Hooty's voice, acting as my alarm, sounds loudly from outside.

"Hi, Hunter!"

"Shhh!" A separate voice, I assume Hunter's, urges.

I suck in a deep breath and turn myself invisible. Striding to my window, I take my place right in front of it. My gaze follows Hunter as he walks up to the mailbox and opens it slowly. His face lights up at the sight of a reply. He grabs the swan and smiles at it. His eyes fall on the letter, and his face contorts into worry. He takes a deep breath and flips it open. His worry quickly turns to terror as he reads the words over and over. He raises his gaze to my window and stares directly at me. I stand deathly still, knowing he can't see me, but afraid nonetheless. He tucks the pieces of paper away and runs a hand through his hair, shaking ever so slightly. In a split second, he's gone, and I gasp for a breath, turning visible soon after.

"Why did I write that? Why did I write that? Why did I write that?" I smack myself on the forehead over and over. I run my hands down my face and groan. "That's it!" I exclaim, fed up with being conscious for so long.

I draw a circle in front of my own face, angrily. Within a second my body hits the ground, and I'm asleep.

• • •

I stir awake, my head spinning. I sit up and stretch my stiff back.

"Right, that's why I don't do that." I grumble out, rubbing my temples.

A loud yawn escapes my lips and my arms reach towards the ceiling, my joints popping loudly. I let out a satisfied groan and get my bearings. My eyes bore out into the orangish-red sky blankly. Suddenly, the events of the past two days hit me like a truck. Before my mind can fully form a thought, I'm on my feet and changing into something other than a hoodie and shorts.

It only took 15 minutes or so, but I'm presentable. I stare in the mirror, my eyes peering into it's reflection. I look down at the picture wedged in my vanity and grab it. My thumb runs over our goofy positioning, a quiet giggle escaping my mouth. I put it back in it's place and smile. I'm going to be okay.

A timid knock sounds from the glass of my window and all of my calm thoughts are whisked away. I jump at the sudden sound and snap my head towards the window. Hunter stands on the other side, clearly nervous. Poor guy looks like he could throw up any minute now.

I scamper over to the window and open it, a shrill squeak sounding from it's hinges. Hunter and I stare at each other in deathly uncomfortable silence.

"Hey..." I whisper, my voice failing me.

"Hey," Hunter's voice cracks, making his face burst red within a second. I smile as some of the tension is released. He forces a smile in return. "Y-you-uh-wanted" Hunter pushes his words out forcefully. I nod at his question.

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