After math, history and english, he walked to lunch where Michael and Calum sat. 

"Are you okay?" Calum asked, a bit worried for Luke. 

Luke just shrugged, staring down at his food. 

"I guess so. I'm tired though." Luke mumbled slowly. 

"Yeah I understand. All the fights with Britney must be tiring." Michael agreed, making Luke sigh quietly. 

They didn't understand, that, that wasn't the problem. No one understood Luke. Luke's arguing with Britney was the least of his problems. 

"Yeah," Luke muttered.


After school, Luke walked to the library down town. He just couldn't stand being home or with any of his friends right now. He knew his mother was hungover and probably moody and he knew that he couldn't talk to his friends about it, so the library seemed as the best soloution for Luke.

He found to kill a mockingbird and began reading it. It was his favorite book. No one really knew that Luke liked reading and listening to music that wasn't the music his classmates liked. He quite liked that not everybody knew that. He liked that he could be himself alone and he liked that not everybody knew everything about him.

Suddenly the door to the empty library opened and Luke's head shot up. There weren't often pepole in the library. His eyes widened as he stared right into some crystal green ones. Her eyes were confused as well and Luke looked away quickly.

She wasn't alone though, she was with her brother, or Luke assumed it was her brother. He was just standing there, looking at the floor. 

"Max, just sit down. I'll find a book we can read." Rosa said to her brother and walked over to a bookshelf for children. 

Luke couldn't keep his eyes away from her as she scanned the bookshelves. He noticed that she bit her bottom lip when she was focused and he also noticed that she narrowed her eyes a bit.

Luke's phone started ringing and everything happened quickly as Rosa's little brother started running out of the library. Rosa looked suprised and ran after him and Luke sat there confused to what just happened.

He got some ugly looks from the librarian and he stood up to walk out of the library so he could talk to the one calling him. When he saw it was his mother, he groaned, knowing she probably wanted him to come home and make dinner or clean the house or just be a shoulder to cry on. 

Luke knew he shouldn't groan about that, but it wasn't that easy. It got tiring because he didn't have a mother anymore, he had to be the one to help his mother so it didn't feel like it should feel.

Luke loved his mother, but always "babysitting" her made him a bit sad, because sometimes he was the one that needed help, but he couldn't get that help or advice because his mother was helpless.

"Hello?" Luke asked as he pressed the green button on his phone. 

"Luke? Where are you?" his mother asked. 

"I'm doing homework at the library." he answered. 

"Luke.. Can you come home? I could really need some dinner." she begged and Luke sighed. 

"Yeah.. Fine.". And with that, the converstation was over.

Luke forgot his jacket inside of the library and when he got inside again, Rosa was sitting beside her brother, both having a frown on their face. 

"Max, please. I know you can read." she begged, but Max shook his head and tears streamed down his face. 

"I don't want to read." he mumbled. 

Rosa didn't say anything else after that, but she looked up and locked eyes with Luke for a split second.

When Luke came home, he made dinner to his mother and then listened to her complain about her life and her questions about why Luke's father had to cheat on her. Luke had to tell her, just like he did everyday, that he was just a jerk and that there wasn't anything wrong with his mother, but his mother didn't listen to that. She never did.

They ended up sitting up until 3 AM and Luke didn't want to go to school at all. At school he just got into more arguements with Britney and he just felt like he would explode soon. He felt like if his life was going to continue like this, he would explode on Britney, on his stupid fake friends and he was afraid that he would blow up on his mother too. He just felt so angry and so tired. All he wanted was to go back to bed and sleep all his problems away, why did he have to be like this? Why couldn't he have a normal life?

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