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The room was bright and hot. Who the fuck turned off the aircon? Seokjin groaned and turned back, squinting his eyes to adjust to the light. He blindly searched for the remote and increased the coldness. As the room started getting cold, he sighed happily and snuggled closer to the body lying beside him. The scent of the body, a mixture of earthy and the vanilla from his products seem to calm him down. It had been a month since Seokjin found out about Namjoon's training. After that, they decided that they'd share at least one meal a day. Namjoon often slept at Seokjin's house. It was just too natural for them to stay with each other. They didn't notice when Namjoon had his own toothbrush sitting beside Seokjin's. Seokjin had emptied one side of his walk in closet for Namjoon's clothes. When he opened his eyes, Namjoon was already staring at him with starry eyes. "Did I wake you up?" Seokjin hummed.

Namjoon shook his head and placed a peck on his forehead, "No." He circled his arms around Seokjin.

This was good. Seokjin was with the person that mattered the most in his life. And nothing could change that. He could also climb on the highest building on the earth and shout that Namjoon was someone that he loved with all his heart.

He was about to go back to sleep when his phone rang. "Aish!" He groaned and took his phone. He gasped and immediately got up. "Yes, abeoji."

Namjoon chuckled and got up as well. He hugged Seokjin from behind and tucked his chin on Seokjin's shoulder.

"With Namjoon? Why Namjoon?" Seokjin straightened up immediately.

Namjoon narrowed his eyes. Why were they talking about him?

Seokjin closed his eyes, "I understand, abeoji. We will be there in an hour... Yes, abeoji." He cut the call and sighed. "Fuck!"

"What happened?" Namjoon asked with a pout.

Seokjin sighed and turned back, "We have to go to the mansion. Abeoji called us."

Namjoon's eyes went wide, "Me too?"

Seokjin nodded, "He said you are a part of my team. So you need to come."

"Ah," Namjoon nodded, "Well, I technically am in your team. I intern under Hoseok hyung."

Seokjin chuckled, "I like your innocence. Abeoji is not that simple. There is something else behind this."

Namjoon looked at Seokjin with doe eyes, "Like what?"

Seokjin shook his head, "I don't know. We will know once we reach there. So get ready. I'll prepare breakfast for us."

Namjoon nodded as Seokjin got up from the bed. "Hyung." Namjoon stopped Seokjin by his wrist, making Seokjin turn back. Namjoon took Seokjin's hand and lightly kissed the palm, "Whatever it is, I'll always stand by your side."

Seokjin smiled softly and sat beside him again, "I know. That's why I am not afraid of facing him today."

Namjoon was confused. Then he remembered that he had always seen Seokjin uptight with his father. Though Namjoon doesn't have too many memories of his father, he still remembered being playful and smiling with his father. "Ah! Why are you always so uptight with your father?"

Seokjin looked at their intertwined hands and smiled, "As you know, I am not his legal child. I am just his love child. Our first encounter was something where I traded my entire life for my eomma's safety. After that, I always had this pressure that if I disappoint abeoji, he will kick me out of the house and my eomma would lose the treatment."

He looked at Namjoon with a sad smile, "That's why I always did what he told me. Even when I hated it. The first few months when I officially joined the company, I was just an executive director. I did the cleanup after abeoji and it was way too brutal. I would always throw up after coming home. Out of fear of abeoji finding it out, I moved out." He looked around, "Here. This is abeoji's first-ever birthday gift. Also the last. This house," He sighed, "It became my safe space."

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