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Hoseok looked up and sighed, "Run away. This place is not for you, Joon-ah."

Namjoon crouched down to Hoseok, "Are you alright?"

Hoseok nodded, "Yoongi hyung would be here any minute. Save yourself."

Namjoon chuckled, "It's my time to save you." He winked and got up. He looked around as if counting how many of the men were standing there. There were 8 of them. He had already knocked one of them. So 7 left to fight. Slowly he took the baseball bat that was discarded by the man he just knocked and pointed it to the men, "Leave him alone."

One of the men ran towards him but didn't reach as Namjoon swung the bat across his head, making him fall onto the floor. Namjoon chuckled, "Weak!"

Namjoon's confidence didn't work any longer as a man attacked him while he was flaunting resulting in him falling to the ground. The hit wasn't too huge, so Namjoon was back on his feet again. He was about to attack, but the group attacked first and started punching and kicking Namjoon.

The leader yelled at them, "Leave him, idiots. Finish the lawyer first."

The men left Namjoon to go to Hoseok. Namjoon huffed as he tried to get up. He got up with all the energy he had and stood between the men and Hoseok. "Not when I am here."

The leader clicked his tongue, "Just finish him quickly. We don't have time."

One of the men took out a knife. Namjoon closed his eyes to endure the pain. He opened his eyes in shock when the man with the knife yelled in pain. The knife in his hand had fallen down and he was holding his hand in pain.

"Clean shot, Taehyun!" A soft voice shouted.

Hoseok peeked from behind Namjoon and sighed, "Oh thank god, you are here."

A boy came into the light and smiled. His eyes were sharp, with various piercings on his ears and one on his lip and long pink hair. He winked with a smirk, "Sorry, hyung. The traffic was bad."

"Oh please!" Another boy came out from behind him. He was taller than the previous boy and looked like a rabbit. It immediately reminded Namjoon of Jungkook, "You took your sweet time grooming yourself." He went to Hoseok and knelt, "Hyung-nim is on his way here. Don't worry."

Hoseok nodded. He pointed at Namjoon, "Take care of him first."

The boy looked at Namjoon. He turned around, "Heuiningkai! Got you a patient."

Namjoon was really confused about who the boys were, but he kept quiet. He went behind the new boy and sat on the footpath as he got patched up.

The first boy looked like their leader tilted his head, "So... Who is going to get beaten up first?"

In about ten minutes, all the prior thugs were on their knees, hands tied behind their back with zip ties. Namjoon and Hoseok were patched up nicely. Shortly, Namjoon came to know that the five boys worked exclusively for Yoongi. Though they had a corporate job, they were personally trained by Yoongi. Yeonjun, the leader he supposed, really gave off a carefree attitude at first, but once he got down to work, his attitude changed. He worked in the financial department under Hoseok. Soobin worked in a chemical laboratory which gave him access to almost any type of chemical. Beomgyu worked in the IT department in Soekjin's company. Taehyun worked directly under Yoongi and worked as a sort of mediator between the employees and the board members. Lastly, Heuininkai worked as an intern in one of the hospitals in Seoul. It really scared Namjoon. He wanted to know what Seokjin did for a living, but he kept quiet. 

Three cars stopped in front of the alley with heavy screeches. A few men in black suits came and circled them. Shortly, Seokjin came to the alley followed by Yoongi and one of his bodyguards. He was wearing a three-piece suit with an overcoat. He first examined Hoseok's condition and then Namjoon's. He closed his eyes and sighed as if controlling his anger. He slowly walked to the leader of the mob, "Who sent you here?"

The leader shook his head, "I can't say."

Seokjin sighed. He kicked the man in his face and then pushed his head against the concrete road with his shoes, "Who?" He almost yelled.

The leader shuddered and stuttered, "M- mew Suppasit."

Something dangerous flashed in Seokjin's eyes. He looked at Yeonjun, "Make them disappear." Yeonjun gave a curt nod. Seokjin took out his phone to make a call, "Speed up your work. Things are getting out of hand."

Why? What happened?

Seokjin looked at Namjoon and Hoseok, "Hoseok got attacked."

What? Ugh! They can't give us a break! O hope the damage is not much.

Seokjin nodded, "I think so."

I'll be done in two weeks. Let's start setting things up. I'll see you soon.


"Who told you to go there alone?" Seokjin yelled at Hoseok. Seokjin had taken everyone including Namjoon to his house. "What if something dangerous had happened to you?"

"I had to take that risk." Hoseok tried to reason with Seokjin, "They said I would find the mayor if I went there."

Seokjin glared at Hoseok, chewing his inner lip, "I didn't expect you to be stupid enough to fall into a trap like that! A five-year-old would tell that it was a trap!"

Hoseok stood up and glared back at Seokjin, "Well, have you found where the mayor is after all your smart ass efforts? Where is he? I don't see any traces."

Seokjin closed his eyes as he massaged on the edge of his eyes to calm himself, "You should have at least told Yoongi. Why would you go there without even informing? You wanted to get set up in the trap, fine. At least tell one of us what is going on!"

Hoseok rolled his eyes, "You know what? This is not going anywhere. I am done talking to you. I need rest." He turned to Yoongi, "Hyung, can you drop me home?"

Yoongi sighed and nodded, "Let's go."

Seokjin turned to Namjoon as soon as Yoongi closed the door behind him. "And you. Do you think you are some kind of superhero? I told you if something like this happens again, you call me."

Namjoon tilted his head with an annoyed expression, "Are you done yelling at people? I didn't call you because you had kicked me out of your office and then didn't contact me back. How was I supposed to know if you want me anymore?"

Seokjin parted his lips to say something but closed it immediately. He sat on the couch and held his head in his hands.

Namjoon put his hand on Seokjin's shoulder, "I know it is not my place, hyung... but I think you need to hear this. I know you love Hoseok hyung and Yoongi too much. And I know that they know about this as well. Like this, it will be easy for outsiders to break between you three. You saw how hurt Hoseok hyung was, right? You didn't even tell him to rest well. I am sure he'll come to work tomorrow. Hyung, you should cherish the people you love. Tell them how much you care about them. Make them feel your love for them."

When seokjin didn't say anything, Namjoon nervously smiled to himself, "Well, then, I'll take your leave." 

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