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Seokjin sighed as he slumped on the couch, suit coat flung beside him. He ran his hand through his hair. It was really frustrating to handle the media and the police at the same time. Munsu had tipped off the cops about the possibility of the gold in the land and the police commission was annoying the crap out of Seokjin. He thought he should do something about the commissioner. Maybe he should get him transferred. Yeah, that's a good idea.

The news that JM Group has acquired the land spread like wildfire. With that, the news of the Kim brothers being in a good relationship spread as well. Many people called him to congratulate him on the land, many called him to get the tea on his relationship with his brother and many called to bring back the rivalry between them. It all became more tiring because of the lack of his energy booster. Namjoon had told him that his finals were coming and so Seokjin controlled his urge to call the younger or set up a date with him. He flinched a little when his phone rang. A smile sneaked in immediately as he saw the caller ID.


Seokjin chuckled, "Already whining, huh? What happened?"

I am so bored and this thing is going over my head. Why did I even choose to be a lawyer?

Seokjin laughed, "Well, you tell me. Why did you choose to be a lawyer?"

There was a sigh from the other end, "So that I can help the people who don't actually know the law usually get trapped in the system."

Seokjin was genuinely impressed. He looked at the phone and turned the normal call into a video call. When Namjoon accepted his request, he found Namjoon sitting at the study table. He smiled sweetly at Namjoon, "I am always so proud of you. You can also get back the property that you deserve. So work hard and get that fucking degree."

Namjoon laughed loudly, throwing his head back, "Hyung... you really made me feel better. And I don't want the property back. I am happy as I am right now."

Seokjin shook his head, "Bullshit! You deserve way more than you have right now. I'm sure I'll convince you one day to fight for it."

Namjoon chuckled. He sighed, "Oh, by the way, the university scrapped the no tutoring out of the class rule. Though I won't get my scholarship back, I think that's fine."

Seokjin raised his eyebrow, "Why is that okay? Now the rule is gone, you should get your scholarship back." Idiot! Seokjin felt like an idiot. If Namjoon got the scholarship, he won't need Seokjin anymore.

Namjoon hummed in disapproval, "But I broke it when it was still in application. It is okay. And also it is not fair to others."

Seokjin clicked his tongue, "We came again to the fair-unfair argument."

Namjoon snickered, "Yes. But this time I am right."

Seokjin raised his brows, "Confident much?"

Namjoon rolled his eyes with a smile plastered on his face, "Yes. Okay, imagine, your company has a no dating rule. You catch a couple and fire them. But now you think that in today's world, this rule is irrelevant and scrap the rule. Will you rehire those two people? You won't because one, they will start thinking that you will twik any law just because you need them in the company and two, it would be unfair to all those people who repressed their desires because of the rule."

Seokjin sighed with a small smile, "Fair enough."

Namjoon shrugged, "Exactly. That's how it works."

Seokjin chuckled, "You are going to be an amazing lawyer."

Namjoon smirked, "I have been told that many times."

Seokjin laughed loudly, "You cheeky bastard!"

Namjoon laughed and put down the pen was holding the whole time. "No. I knew your rivalry with your brother was fake before the news got out. You guys really need to work on your acting skills."

Seokjin rolled his eyes, "Very funny. You believed it the first time you met Mew and our acting got us the land and many more things in this business, so I don't think we had a problem."

Namjoon chuckled, "Okay, I will be honest. The night I kil-" He closed his eyes and shook his head. He opened his eyes and smiled a little, "I mean protected your house, I saw you guys talking. I was coming out to tell you something, but then decided against it."

"Ah..." Seokjin nodded, "That's why you knew."

Namjoon smiled a little, "Thank you. I feel better now. I am sure I'll do better tomorrow."

Seokjin nodded, "When do your exams end?"

Namjoon hummed and tilted his head, "At the end of this month. Then I will have a spring break."

Seokjin stood up and went to the bedroom, "What will you do during your spring break?"

Namjoon put the phone on a stand to free his hands, "I am thinking of picking up another job. And maybe find an internship. I will have to officially intern now."

Seokjin stripped out of his shirt, "You can always come to the company. We will be glad to have you."

Namjoon chuckled, "I want to try out some other places. It would help me to know where I stand."

Seokjin slipped a t-shirt on and looked at Namjoon, "Then apply for the blind interview we have every year. You will know where you stand and you'll get to actually work under Hobi. He is a good teacher."

Namjoon was shocked and also distracted when Seokjin took his pants off, "Blind interviews?"

Seokjin wore sweats and settled on the bed, back supporting the headboard and phone on his chest, "Yeah. We give the candidates the number and then they get interviewed with thick glass in between them and the interviewer. So no one sees each other's faces and they don't know anything about you except your number. Only the HR knows who is given which number."

Namjoon nodded, "Wow, that is so intelligent! I'll surely apply for the blind interview. Whose idea was this?"

"It was Mew's idea." Seokjin yawned, "Ah, I am sorry. Don't take me wrong, I am not bored or anything. I am just tired."

Namjoon smiled gently, "It must have been rough for you these days, hyung. You should go to sleep. I will go back to my studies. I'll come to see you once the exams get over."

Seokjin nodded, "You can come in between a well. You are always welcomed to my house and the company."

Namjoon's smile grew wider, "Okay. I'll keep that in mind. Good night, hyung."

"Good night, Joonie." He cut the call and closed his eyes with the phone still on his chest.

Hello everyone. I know you guys are enjoying the book (I hope you really are🙈), but the updates from now on till the 27th of April will be very inconsistent and slow because I have final exams approaching.😔 I will graduate in a month Woohoo!🎉 So please bear with me. Thank you for reading the book. ✨


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