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Seokjin sighed. It was the last day before he had to go to Japan. He was currently packing his bags. He will be gone for a week. He knew he would miss Namjoon so much. Especially when there was no way to communicate with any of them. He went to the living room and sat on the couch to take some rest. He heard the front door open. His face lit up as soon as Mew entered the house. "Hey, you came back."

Mew smiled, "Yeah." He sat beside Seokjin, "I came back yesterday."

Seokjin nodded, "Is your staff settled?"

Mew hummed, "Not really. I think they'll need a week or so. Maybe more. I don't know."

Seokjin turned to him, "Mew,"

"Huh?" Mew turned to him.

"Want to go out to drink? It's been a while." Seokjin smiled gently.

Mew's face lit up immediately, "Oh my god! Yes!"

Seokjin chuckled and took a jacket with him to cover himself from the cold, "Let's go."

When Mew opened the door, Seokjin's phone rang. A smile sneaked in as soon as he saw whose call it was. He picked it up, "Hey!"

Hyung-ah! I am free!

Seokjin laughed, "Yeah? From whom?"

From the devil called exam! Do you know how long I was waiting for this day?

Seokjin chuckled and signalled Mew to continue walking, "You do remember that you still have one year to actually be free right?"

Don't remind me of that... Tonight, I am going to enjoy it to my fullest.

Seokjin shook his head, "That's good to hear. Where are you celebrating?"

I will be in Hwangdea. Kookie works there, so I won't have a problem. I was thinking...

Seokjin smirked, "Yeah?"

Can you go there with me? It would be fun. I know you are leaving tomorrow, but I wanted to meet you before you elope for a week.

Seokjin laughed, "I am not eloping. I am going there for work."

What work doesn't let you use your phone?

Seokjin knew Namjoon was pouting on the other side. He chuckled, "My kind of work. And I won't be able to come there. I am going out with Mew. I am sorry."

Oh... That's fine. I understand. Then, I'll see you after a week. Have a safe journey!

Seokjin smiled sweetly and nodded, "Yeah. Thank you." When he cut the call, he realised that they were already in his car and Mew was driving. "Where are we going?"

"Hwangdea," Mew said with a slight smirk on his face.

"How did you know?" Seokjin turned to him.

Mew just shrugged, "I heard it. You should really keep that volume low."

Seokjin smiled at him brightly, "Are you sure?"

"Stop smiling like that." Mew sighed, "You look creepy."

Seokjin rolled his eyes and looked at the road, still smiling, "Thank you."

When they reached the club, the line to go in was huge. He sighed and looked at the name. Great, he didn't have a membership. Mew joined him in a while, "Why are you standing here?"

"I don't have a membership. We'll have to wait in the queue." Seokjin pouted a little.

Mew chuckled and went to the bouncer at the door, confusing Seokjin. He saw Mew telling something to the bouncer and the bouncer went in. He came out after a while and bowed to Mew. Mew turned to Seokjin and signalled him to follow him. Seokjin was still confused but went behind him. "How?" He asked Mew.

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