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Seokjin walked through his building very elegantly followed by the crowd of people telling him about different things. Usually, he would be very annoyed about the people crowding him but today he was exceptionally happy. He didn't even make a fuss about Yoongi coming in late. He didn't know the reason for his good mood, but he wasn't going to ruin it by trying to find a reason as well. When he reached the office, Hoseok was sitting there with a sulking expression. Seokjin silently sat on his chair, "what happened to you?"

Hoseok made a face, "I don't want to talk about it."

Seokjin shrugged, "Okay."

After about fifteen minutes, Yoongi came in. He was wearing a nice black sleek suit and new shoes. Seokjin blew a soft whistle, "Ah, Yoongichi. Do you have a date or something?" He said jokingly.

Yoongi nodded softly, "Yeah. I met this guy online and we are meeting today in the evening."

Seokjin raised his eyebrow and then looked at Hoseok, "Ah..." Now he understood why exactly Hoseok was not in the mood. But honestly, Seokjin was fed up with the two side pinning as well. It wasn't new for him. They had been pining over each other for almost 4 years now, none of them actually confessing because 'they don't want to ruin their friendship'. He was glad at least one of them was moving on. He looked at Yoongi with a bright smile, "Show me his photo!"

Yoongi went near Seokjin and opened the photo, "See!" The excitement in Yoongi's voice was so much that Seokjin, for a second, felt bad about Hoseok. Poor guy wasn't going to like this. "He is so pretty and soft. A total twink. Just my type."

Seokjin chuckled, "He is not that pretty, though."

"Yah!" Yoongi locked the phone and huffed, "Just because I have a date, doesn't mean you say stuff like this."

Hoseok scoffed, "You said the same thing when I showed you Yoongi's photo after his transformation."

Yoongi's eyes went wide, "You- you think I am pretty?" His usually pale face started to change colours from pink to deep red.

Hoseok cleared his throat, "I mean- I-" He huffed, "Of course, you are pretty, hyung!"

The tension between the two friends grew to a level where Seokjin knew he had to interfere. "Yoongi, please get me an Iced Americano from Heechul hyung's cafe."

Yoongi smiled, "Sure."

As soon as Yoongi left the room, Seokjin sighed, "Now I know why you are sulking." Hoseok just huffed, "Aish. If you are affecting this much, then why don't you just confess? Can't you see he likes you back?"

Hoseok rolled his eyes, "Didn't you hear him? He said his type was a twink. Do I look like a twink to you?"

Seokjin chuckled, "A person can have more than one type, Hobi-yah! Like I like both twinks and buff guys. And you don't always fall for guys your type. They could be far away from being your type but you still end up falling for them."

Hoseok clicked his tongue, "I just don't want to ruin our friendship."

"What nonsense are you saying?" Seokjin scoffed, "You have been saying this for almost four years. And now that he is moving from you, you are sitting here, sulking over him. Either you confess or you let him go."

Hoseok sighed and closed his eyes. He covered his eyes with his fingers, rubbing them a little, "It's easier said than done, hyung."

Seokjin shook his head and gave up on explaining to him further, "Just pray his date goes wrong. Or you will lose him forever."


Everyone has their own existential crisis. Some have it when they hit middle age, some have them when they are old enough to have too much time on hand. But Namjoon was having them right now. He was sitting behind the counter and reading the text. But did he really need to study right now? He was going to be thrown out of the school in three days anyway. As Taehyung had told him, he did go to the orphanage. And because he was formerly warned by Soekjin, he read the terms carefully. Seokjin was right. They were loan sharks in disguise. The terms were too sketchy and if he wasn't aware of some of the terms written in the contract, he would have happily signed the contract and taken the money. Thank god he was studying to be a lawyer. Once he gets a little successful, he is definitely suing the orphanage.

He sighed in despair. To sue the fucking institution, he needed to get the degree first and for that he needed money.

Fuck capitalism!

He looked up as he heard the ding of the door. He plastered his professional smile as he put his book aside, "Welcome to Symphony, what would you like to have?"

The man was wearing a very pretty suit. An executive at a big company. He chuckled, "Where is Heechul hyung?"

Ah, a friend. Namjoon smiled, "He went out to buy raw ingredients."

The man shook his head. "Anyway. I'd like one Iced Americano, decaf mocha and 30 lemon, 70 honey frappuccino with chocolate whipped cream."

Namjoon gave a curt nod, "Alright, can I have your name, please?"

The man nodded, "Yoongi."

Namjoon wrote the name on the bill and went to the coffee station to make the three cups. When he was done, he went to the counter and handed the coffee to Yoongi. "Have a good day."

Yoongi smiled, "You too!" He was about to leave when he bumped into a man, "Oh, I am so sorry." When he looked at the man's face, he gasped, "Jimin-shi."

"Oh." Jimin was surprised as well, "Yoongi-shi. I didn't expect to meet you like this."

Yoongi smiled brightly, "Ah, I am glad I met you before our date tonight."

Jimin snickered, "I am glad too. I was worried you'd be some old ahjussi catfishing as a hot man."

Yoongi smirked, "You think I am hot?"

Jimin chuckled, "I mean, look at you. Of course, you are hot!"

Yoongi smiled shyly. Jimin was the second person he met who could make him flustered. The first being Hoseok, obviously. Stop thinking about him. He looked at Jimin with a sweet smile, "Well, then, I will see you in the evening."

Jimin nodded, "Yeah. See you in the evening."

Yoongi slowly left the cafe. Jimin sighed dreamily and went to Namjoon. "He is so hot."

Namjoon shook his head, "This is the guy you met online?"

Jimin nodded, "Honestly, I was going to stand him up because I thought he was catfishing this all time. But now that I met him in person, I think I hit a jackpot."

Namjoon chuckled, "I am happy for you. Is it another fling of yours or are you serious this time?"

Jimin shrugged, "I don't know. We will see as time goes by."

Namjoon laughed and turned around to the coffee station, "What do you want today?"

"Ummm... Hot chocolate for Taetae, Cappuccino for Kookie and a mocha for me." Jimin sat at the table near the counter. "By the way, what happened to the orphanage?"

Namjoon clicked his tongue, "It is a loan shark in disguise. I can't take money from them."

Jimin's eyes went wide, "Wah! I didn't expect that."

"I know, right?" Namjoon huffed, "It is good that Seokjin-shi warned me beforehand."

Jimin tilted his head, "Who is Seokjin-shi?"

Namjoon flinched at the question. He forgot he hadn't told them about it. He sighed, "We will talk about it after your date. At home. When all of us are together."

Jimin nodded, "Okay."

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