• 30 • The Ex and the Beau

Start from the beginning

Not wanting to let the momentum feed into my growing frustration, I chose it was the right moment to get off of bed and into the adjacent bathroom.

"Josie, please, can we just discuss this?"

I took slow steps back to the bedroom. "I said what I had to say which is also what I've been saying for the past month and a half. I've also made it more than clear that I'm always open to listen to you, but I'm still waiting for you to talk to me."

"Baby, I-" He was interrupted by the ringing of his phone. Both of our gaze fell to the gadget and I stayed silent as I waited for him to make a decision.

"Just take the call, Orlando," I sighed after the first three rings, disappointed. I turned back around into the bathroom. Was it so hard for him to decline the call and actually follow through with our conversation?

Once I was done showering and moisturizing, I got back to our room where part of me expected to find Orlando. Of course, he wasn't.

I slumped onto our bed, discouraged. That's when I felt something poking my butt through my towel. I sat up and found a credit card with a note on it.

"Hope you have a good time shopping, dolcezza. Don't forget to let Wes do his job.

I love you "

I rolled my eyes at the mention of my newly assigned driver. What was the point of buying me a Jeep if I can't drive it myself? It ripped the fun straight out of it. I was fully capable of driving myself around, but Orlando explained that it reassured him. I tried to fight him on it, but he was extremely relunctant on coming back on his decision.

I did my everyday makeup and slipped into my a cropped sweater and some True Religion jeans. "But I just bought them two weeks ago," I whined to myself in front of the mirror, struggling to button my pants. I think I picked up on Luca's filthy eating habits.

I grabbed my purse and said my goodbyes to the men of the house. Of course, Orlando was on the phone again so I just kissed him on the cheek and left. His brother was busy emptying the cookie cabinet when I told him goodbye.


"He's just been acting super weird lately, Li. I trust him, and I don't force him to talk to me, I actually try to set the right example, but I see like zero change in his behaviour. I'm at a loss honestly," I was telling Felicia about my current relationship issues over fries and a burger.

She took a sip of her milkshake from the mall's food court before scoffing, "I know you love him, Jo, but you can't push a man into acting right, and I speak from experience. You've talked to him already, you did your part as a woman, now as a man he should take action. And if he doesn't, you deprive him of action." I frowned, unaware of what she meant, until it clicked. I burst out laughing, "You're laughing now, but men would die for nyash, best believe. On the bright side, the woman from the antique bookstore really seemed to appreciate you."

I thought back to an hour ago when I gave my resume to an elderly lady who was looking for help around the store. She told me she could give me a call really soon after witnessing my love for litterature. I smiled at the possibility of getting out of the abyss and torturing boredom of unemployment. "Yeah, I hope I get that job. And I am not putting my pussy on lockdown... the dick is way too good. You gone eat those onion rings?"

She pushed her tray towards me, "I thought you didn't like 'em, but help yourself."

I instantly threw one into my mouth, shrugging, "I don't know, my tastes have been odd lately. I blame it on my brother-in-law."

My phone buzzes, lighting up to reveal a text from Orlando.

babe🤍♾️: You coming home soon, baby? I miss you

My heart warmed at his words. I guess I should go home.

"I think I should get going, my checkings account is crying right now," I started getting up after having texted Wes that I was ready to go.


"What do you mean already, we spent like the whole day together, girl," I reminded her, chuckling though confused by her agitation.

"Right, well... text me when you wanna hang out again."

"I will, I had fun today," I hugged her and we parted ways.

I was grateful for our friendship because it was a great distraction from the problems I was facing at home with Orlando.

The one-hour ride from the mall to our house passed quickly. Soon enough Wes was pulling into the U-shape drive way. Once the car came to an halt, I thanked him and grabbed the shopping bags next to me before heading into the house.

"Baby, I'm home!" My voice resonated in the house's open space. I dropped my bags at the entrance and happily made my way to Orlando's study, "I also bring good news."

Without much thought, and without knocking, I pushed his door open.

From that very second everything happened in slow motion.

My eyes found an irritated Orlando behind his desk. Next to him, an equally displeased Luca. Both of them had their eyes focused on the stranger standing on the opposite side, until I burst in.

Except the stranger was wearing a very familiar tattoo.

Stag horns on the nape of his neck.

My mouth went instantly dry as the air around me seemed to have made itself scarce. The little breath I had in me served to whisper this next word with a voice filled with pure disbelief, "Ricardo?"

The average-height lanky stranger turned around to face me, confirming my assumption.

"Joe Doe?"

Then everything went black.

A/N:Oooo this is too good 😋See ya next chapter?

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Oooo this is too good 😋
See ya next chapter?

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