Miniseries Stuff.

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(All questions will go to the "Hidden Secrets")

(This is for YellowoftheNight Miniseries. If you wish to help, let me know.)

Ranger (3)
Family Reunion (3)
A Father's Gift


(Ranger 1)

Lunick looked at the sea that tumbled against the boat, which calmed him as the boat docked. He got off with the other passengers before looking around. His ears locked onto a conversation, no doubt about him.

"Mama, look! Why's his mouth like that?"

"Don't do that! It's very rude to do that."

He turned away from the duo, tears forming in his eyes as he covered the mask that trapped his mouth. He managed to get some distance before hiding from view. He didn't move until a voice touched his ear.

"Are you ok?"

He looked up and latched onto the green eyes that almost glowed in their spot. It took a sec before Lunick nodded, wiping the tears away. He stood up as the owner of the eyes continued.

"Oh... good! I was worried when I heard the tears. You're Lunick, right?"

He nodded again as he scanned the person, noting their hair matched their eyes and they stood taller than him.

"Name's Spenser. I'll be your captain. Why don't you come with me?"

Lunick nodded as they went north from the harbor.

"You know... your letters made you sound like a a jokester. Never thought you'd be silent."

Lunick didn't answer, keeping his gaze to the ground. He did make many jokes and puns in his letters. But that's because he used to be the voice of him and his brother. That changed when their father started his damage. Remembering the pain almost had him caught up in the memories. Spenser caught his lack of motions upon some of his questions and paused, regaining the silent boy.

"You good?"

Lunick nodded as he rubbing his face, double checking for tears. Spenser eyed him as he nodded, gesturing him forward. As they continued, Spenser spoke.

"Is everything alright? You completely dazed off there."

Lunick waved it off. He didn't want to go back into the past right now. He escaped that already. Spenser watched him as they arrived at the town.

"Well... here we are. Let's go meet the others."


Lunick didn't need a voice as he hugged Billy close. He had sent Solana and Aria to go track down the other 3 since they were trapped in the old base. Billy wouldn't enter the base after Elita's voice came screaming out at the Boss/Father of the four musicians. Spenser had went to get her to quiet down while Lunick calmed the older musician down. Spenser's voice touched their ears as the loud sounds went quiet.

"It's safe now. Joel took him south and Elita's quiet." Lunick nodded to him as he helped Billy to his feet. Billy trembled a little upon the motion before they helped him inside. Elita saw him before she smiled.

"You alright, Billy?" He nodded as he leaned against Lunick for support. Chris went over and took Billy's hands.

"How about some food?" Billy looked up at him, a wave of confusion covering his face. "Come on..." As he took him to the side for food, Solana guided the other three into the base. Aria was holding the boys up while Solana had allowed Tiffany to keep a hold of her arm. Billy paused as the duo got the trio to rest against a wall.

Story IdeasOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora