Next Dexters.

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(All questions will go to the "Hidden Secrets")

(This is just what I think would be awesome for the next gen in my AU. There'll be others, but I'm still getting there.)

(Note: Me and Purple are looking for people to answer a question. Ask if you're interested)

(Inspiration was thanks to a bunch of songs by LEDGER! Go check that group out!)

A sigh filled the air as a kid headed to a fenced off house. This wasn't the first time he had done this. Grey eyes scanned the area before he entered the fenced part. Blonde and brunette hair swayed in the wind as he knocked on the door. A man smiled after opening the door.

"Finally. We're ready. All set for your lessons?" The kid nodded before following him.


An older male sighed as him and a few others looked around. This wasn't the first time they had gone looking for their 9th family member.

"Snow! Where'd you go!?"

The older blonde of the group sighed as they continued, yet to find his hiding place.


Snow huffed as he quickly threw a few more punches, each directly hitting his target. A group of adults watched from afar, cheering him on. He finally hit the punching bag with enough strength to send it flying against the wall. An applause filled the air as he caught his breath.

"That's it, Snow! Now we just gotta get you to focus your stamina and your golden!" He smiled as he went over to the others.

"Thanks..." He smiled as one of the others smiled at him.

"Ready for your next lesson?"


It wasn't until later when he was found back at home. He quickly showered from all the sweating he had done and was doing his homework when they came in. Really guys?

"He better be back before midnight."

"That's assuming we didn't miss him and he's already here."

He held his tongue as footsteps neared his room. He was sorta moved to the basement, not exactly there as there was a level below him, but he wasn't complaining. Someone came down and knocked on his door, making him answer.


"May I come in?" Shit. That was his father. The older one, mind you. He held back a sigh as he called out.

"Yeah..." The door opened and he slightly turned to the door. Red eyes touched Snow's as the older male went over and sat down.


"What?" He turned back to his homework. Red sighed.

"You need to stop disappearing like that."

"I'm not doing anything illegal."


"I heard that." Out of everyone in the family, he had to mentally thank this man for good hearing. But he hated the bad sight that came with. He didn't need to turn around to know his father had tensed up.

"Alright... what have you been doing?"

"Nothing the law can use against me."

"Are you ever going to talk to one of us?"

"Dad..." He finished up with the homework before finally looking at him. He understood why they were persistent and all. They had went through hell to get this far in life. He understood everything they had to do to get here. But he will forever hate it. Red had gone quiet before going out, closing the door. Then there was a pause before he finally spoke.

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