Series of Dark Secrets

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(Few things before you read-)

(One: this will be a several part chapter. I got a little lazy and put them in one.)

(Two: send any questions to the Hidden Secrets. This will help the squad immensely.)

(Three: a lot of warnings. fluff, cut off smut, cursing, blood/other Bloody things, slightly disturbing things, threatening of more)

(Four: You can use this as requests if needed as well. Request anything of this for the squad to do. If you dare)

(Five: with everything going on, please help the squad. We're on edge and Murder has happened. PM me if you want to help or wait for the book.)

Table of contents
1: The æœ of the Go Twins
2: The Crimes and Fall of the Wild Hunt Duet
3: Threat of the Hidden
4: Ghost Road and Water Mind's Shattered Show
5: True Partners in Crime
6: Power of the Darkened Juniors
7: A Riddling Defeat?


[Part one: The æœ of the Go Twins]

Lapis woke up with sheer pain roaring through him. He grabbed his mouth and rolled over to face the wall. An estranged sound escape him as he pulled himself together enough to get his phone. He couldn't entirely think straight as he messaged Tiffany.

Lapis: �

She didn't answer as he messaged him, Sage and Clyde's small group chat.

Lapis: æœ.

Clyde: fuck. Really?

Sage: lemme kill it.

Lapis: I'm ready. Tiff hasn't answered, so she might not know.

Clyde: I'll get the tent set so that you two can reset. Damn it...

Sage: I'll see if Joel can help with transport. Lapis, avoid killing Scarlet.

Lapis: but it'll be quick and easy.

Clyde no killing. You can do that when you're stable.

Lapis made an unidentifiable noise as he pulled himself into a ball. The chat had fallen silent as he tried to fight the pain. Minun quietly went to his side and paused.

"Minun... can you please guard the door...? Unless it's either Sage or Joel, don't let anyone in..."

Minun nodded silently before heading off. Lapis took a steady breath before tightening the ball.


Scarlet laughed as she and the other rangers threw bad jokes around. Sage and Lapis had yet to be seen, so they were waiting to see what would happen.

"I'm two seconds away from going to bother Lapis outta bed."

The others nodded before Sage entered the base. When did he leave? And where'd he go? They didn't have time to line up as he was upstairs in seconds. Scarlet looked at the others.

"Um...?" They shrugged as Minun and Ferrow came down with Sage. Lapis was unconscious on the captain's back with a face of uncomfortable pain.

"I'll be back! Be ready for line up when I get back!"

And with that, he was out the door and the sound of wings hit the air. The others exchanged concerned looks.


Lapis let a soft, estranged sound escape him as Sage landed beside the bluenette's older brother. Clyde gulped as he brought the younger male over.

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