Use My Voice Trio (Outdated)

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[Inspired by song above.]

[Version one]

Purple silently locked his door as he looked back at his desk. A paper sat in the middle as he sat down and got to work on something. His headphones touched his ears as he drifted off to his task. A steady knock followed.

"Purple?" He didn't answer as he continued. "Purple? We need to talk." He stayed quiet as he looked at his work. A mutter escaped him as he paused. "Purple, I know you're in there. Please?" He rubbed his face as the person finally surrendered to the ignorance.


He had fallen asleep sometime after that. He wasn't entirely sure when, but he woke up to a blanket on his shoulders and and his desk neater than before. Who got into his room? He sat up and stretched as he paused. Something felt wrong. He took off his headphones and paused. It was way too quiet. He grabbed his stuff before exploring the base. Empty. Did the others leave him behind? He softly sat down against the door as he checked his phone. A soft noise emerged as he stood up.

"You guys made a bad decision."


He snickered mentally as he watched the Dexters try to stop the Escapers from ending Kalos. He let a soft laugh before vanishing from his spot.


The others were battling in the air as they tried to destroy the cannon they had stolen. Pink hissed as she dove down to escape a blast from the grunts.

"Lemme kill 'em!" Blue let a soft noise emerged from his lips as they dodged a few more blasts.

"Where's your twin to take the hits?" She shrugged.

"Must be resting. Not sure." Lime hummed.

"Would he still be asleep now? It's been a few hours." The group hummed as the cannon flashed to life. Panic hit X.

"No no no no no..."

The Escapers cheered as it started moving. But unlike what they were hoping for, whoever was in there had a different target. With a moment of motion, it fired.....

Right into the group of Escapers that were fighting the Dexters.

Shock and horror followed as the blast finished the battle. X turned to the cannon as a slow clap followed.

"To be honest, I had more fun exposing Jaern than that, but still. The screams were perfect."

Everyone started as Purple came out. He has a cast on his upper left leg and lower torso, but he looked great for what he probably went through. Pink blinked before she hissed.

"How does the idiot do that!?" He shrugged as he jumped off the cannon and onto Noivila's back before joining them.

"Don't leave me in an empty base." Was all he said before pulling out his secondary phone. "Oh yeah-" He tapped something on it before the cannon exploded. "Hopefully they didn't need it."

"P-purple!" He shrugged again before shooting off.


It got worse. The Escapers damaged the Dexters to the point of defeat. Purple couldn't think straight as he stormed over to the field. He couldn't stop himself as rage and pain crossed his mind and stopped his normal thoughts.

"You Escapers..." He murmured harshly as he stormed past the group. He couldn't even stop himself to check his friends.


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