Chapter 50: Shadows of the past

Start from the beginning

Her target: a man in his fourties, wearing a costume for work and coming home after a long day.

"I said..."the man whispered with an edge in his voice, "take, the damn shot."

Lillian had never killed before. She had no idea who this was, or what they had done so wrong that he had to be executed.

The song he hummed echoed in her ears, everything seemed to move in slow motion and she felt her instructor's hand dig in her shoulder, pressuring her into taking the shot.

The target kept humming happily muttering to himself how happy he was to finally be home.

"For the last time, 214, fucking take the shot or I take you down instead. I don't train you to think about this, I train you to do it. Now do it!"he pressed.

Lillian felt her hands sweaty and damp. She had to do this, she couldn't freak out. She had to do this

"You have three seconds until the falcon intervenes."he warned.

1... the man approached the gate to his house and Lillian's finger slowly pressed the trigger,

2... the man reached to push the gate, and Lillian closed one eye, aiming...

3... the man stepped towards the gate with a smile on his face, and she pulled the trigger.

The man collapsed without a sound.

Her eyes stared blankly at the pool of blood leaving the body and slowly slithering through the fragments of rocks on the road.

The song he'd been humming burned her ears and suffocated her. She'd killed someone. The easiness of it gave her nausea.

Standing up she tottered, dropping the gun and turned to the grass, throwing her guts out.

Two slaps in the back came from her instructor. His hand pressed against her nape as his lips fanned her ear.

"Now was that really so fucking hard?"he whispered. "But you were too close to get the falcon to do it, so no food no water for the next two days."he added before patting her on the shoulder unaware of the tears which stung her eyes.

The falcon was the code name used for the person meant to finish off the target if something went wrong. It could be anyone, hidden somewhere with a deadline: was the deadline reached, they would take the shot.

Wiping her mouth, Lillian turned to her instructor. "Who was that? What did he do? Why did I have to kill him?"she asked. She was only fifteen.

"Shut your trap. You're meant to do the job not ask questions, 214."

"What, so we get our hands dirty and you don't??"she challenged, feeling sick again. The man leaped to her, grabbing her by the collar and slapping her across the face. "Listen to me, you bitch. The next time you talk to me like this, it's three days with no food and a beating, do you hear me?"

Gritting her teeth, Lillian held his gaze and he let go, spitting on the ground. "Grab the gun and let's get the fuck out of here."
Back in the building, Lillian desperately tried to scratch the invisible blood out of her hands. Digging her nails in her palms she scratched hard enough to make it bleed, whimpering as it wouldn't get off. It burned her fingers, especially the one which had pulled the trigger.

"Fuck fuck fuck.."she whimpered, haunted by the memory of his body collapsing, his eyes staring into nothingness and the blood leaving his body. It was a clean shot in the heart, he'd died in the instant.

"Lillian?"a voice called out and she heard footsteps approaching her and the sink she was standing by filled with bloodied water.

"Lily what the fuck?!"Barry exclaimed seeing all the blood. He tried to take her hands away but she pushed him away harshly. "Sod off Barry! leave me alone, I killed him. I killed the guy, there's blood everywhere and I can't get it off"she added scratching on her open flesh.

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