I followed daddy to their room.

He went to the bathroom and opened a floor to ceiling closet containing a lot of feminine products.

"Wow. Why do you have your own pharmacy here?!" I ask bewildered.

"Jen. You need all of that to maintain your partner. Your mommy used that every month. Trust me."

"You mean we will buy the same thing for Lisa?"

Daddy nodded.

"So I really need to expand my bathroom and to build her a walk in closet ASAP."

"Yes. So plan it already so tomorrow the builders can start the renovations."

"So what does Lisa want? With wings? Without wings? Super thin? Super absorbable? The long one?"

"What the hell are you talking about daddy?" I exclaimed.

Daddy roll his eyes.

"I am asking about the pad!"

"The regular one?" I ask unsurely.

Daddy shrug his shoulders and grab two.

"Okay does Lisa needs cycling shorts?"

I just nodded. What the hell is a cycling shorts?

Daddy gave me a new one then shoos me out of their room.

I walk back to my room and saw Lisa staring at the ceiling.

"Precious here." I gave her everything that daddy gave me.

Lisa smiled and thanks me. She stood up from the bed and walk towards the bathroom.

I notice that there's blood on her shorts.

I glance down to my blanket and sure enough there's a tiny weeny spot of blood on it.

I hurriedly remove everything from my bed. I need to replace everything before precious finish her business in the bathroom.

Why the hell my bed needs four 2 layers of bed sheets and why the hell my sheets are heavy. Don't get me started on the duvet.

I call the maids line and ask for a new set of sheets.

Thankfully the maid arrives and he flawlessly arrange all the pillow cases, and all layers of bed sheets needed without any creases

I hurriedly folded everything and place it near my door.

The staff was on the act of getting the soiled sheets but I stop him. I told him that I'll personally wash it.

He just nodded and went out of my room.

As soon as my door closed, Lisa went out of my bathroom sheepishly. She already change her clothes.

She can't even look at me in the eye.

I walk towards her and hold her hand. I lean down and ask "What's wrong precious?"

"Nothing. Nothing Jen-Jen." Lisa fidgets and she was glancing on my bed.

First, she's obviously lying. Lisa can't even lie to save herself. She's wondering if she stained my bed. Good thing my sheets are all identical. So she'll never know that I replaced my bed sheets.

"If that's the case do you want to watch some shows?" I ask.

She nodded. While lying on her side I saw her discretely looking on the bedsheets for some stain.

I pretend that I am messing with the remote when she glance back at me.

She's so cute.

"What do you want to watch?"

My Bizaare LoveHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin