Every 2am.. [Free × Silas]

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Since I've waited you guys for too long.. All of the up coming oneshots today is all long reading. And I'M SO SORRY FOR LEAVING YOU ALL!!

⚠︎: Missed/Wrong words. Lemon(half)



It suddenly happened one night.
Something.. Woke me up. A figure, no.. A person. Was on top of me. I couldn't see its face because it was so dark. But I only saw eyes, glowing yellow eyes. And the first thing that came to my mind is Free.

"FR- FREE--"


He suddenly shush me, putting his index finger on my lips. As he suddenly held the back of my head, as to lift my up, then... He kissed me, gently, but it suddenly became forcefully. I don't know why, but being kissed forcefully and surprisingly, shouldn't feels so good. So I ended up kissing back. I'm sure this just my mind or dream messing with me.. I'm just imagining this all..!

Those were my thoughts while the shadowy figure Free, was sucking my neck. I couldn't accept or believe everything what I was seeing, experiencing and doing. Free and I will never... Never... He's my rival, or team mate because were on the same team... For now. 'Cause in one of these days or months, I'll leave their gates, their making me leave because of loud obnoxious Valt, lame boring weak team mates such as that Rantaro and others because I don't know their names, strict irritating Trad, and.... Free.

I don't even know him to well, all I know that he's powerful, he may not seem like it but I've seen him battle. The reason I joined is because I can battle him everyday, as long as I want. And defeat him. But, I still don't know what feeling I get when I battle him, when I look at him, or when he looks at me with that usual bored look. Which I find annoying, but when he takes an opponent seriously, as he wears his serious face on, that's when I find him powerfully amazing.

"F-Free.. Hmnn...!"

That's when Free entered his tongue in my mouth. I bit his lower lip to stop, as he finally pulled back, still sitting on my stomach. Suddenly, the moon shines, bringing light into the room, I see Free blushing and huffing. A few seconds of us calming down, he leaned and kissed me again. We were in some kind of spell, to not stop, continue, and again and again.


I slowly open my eyes, waking up. I got up, completely shocked, of what just occurred last night. (Bit of a timeskip) I put on my glasses and I left my dorm. As I walked through the hallways, while blushing crazy.

I didn't even care to take my breakfast in the cafeteria. I made my way outside, as I entered the forest. I remember the path where that lazy guy is always at. I was finally there, I saw him launching his bey from behind, I was a few distance away, to say "Hey!! W-what.. W-w-why did you came in my r-room last night..!? Care to explain?!" To him, because I would be talking so loud if I was 8 feet away from him.

He picked up his bey from the stadium as he turned around to face me with that irritating bored expression again, while he was tilting his head. "Yo."

"Yo yourself!!"

"I'll ask again! Why did you came in my room!?" I couldn't help but yell the same question I asked him 15 seconds ago. "Huh? What do you mean? I didn't- why would I even do that..?" Free answers my question. My thought is running in again. What.. B-but it was so realistic..! It felt so real. Maybe I was true, maybe it was just all a dream..!! I had my hopes up real high hoping that I'll never have that dream again. But... I wish we.. In that dream.. We didn't waste our time just kissing, instead of doing something even more crazier..!! Don't get me wrong, I just... ".. N-nevermind, maybe it was just my imagination or dream..!"


The following midnight. It was around 1:30 from what I can see on the clock at the wall. I couldn't sleep, because I kept thinking about that dream I had yesterday. I was still so surprised about it, and I couldn't choose either it was a dream even though it felt and seemed so real, or Free did really came in my room. He was really good at acting, he can hide all kind of feelings, and you can't see, read or feel it. So maybe he lied to me yesterday morning?

A few 30 minutes later, I was now asleep, peacefully, and no one to disturb me.

"...... Hmmn...."
"......... U-uhh...?"

"WHA- kyaaaghh-!!"
"Wha-!! No! I!"
"F-Fre- you-!!"



Silas woke up, feeling somewhat cold, and feeling a cold wet, stained on his bed sheet. He found himself half naked, his clothes was on the floor, crumbled up.

"... It happened again.."

But that was only just a beginning of Free coming in Silas' room. Free was coming in every single day, every exactly 2 in the middle of the night. And when Silas wokes up, Free was just nowhere to be found. It was as if there was two Free's, one in the middle of the night, and two in the day time.

Silas and I guess Free too, kept it a secret, their secret about their.. Session, every 2am. But one day, Silas couldn't take it anymore, he decides to change things up, turn the tables on him.


Free looked up, seeing a full bright moon that was being covered by clouds. Hmm.. Should I go now..? I'm guessing that it's still one. Maybe I should relax for a bit before heading out.

Suddenly, rustling sounds was heard from a bush behind Free. He looked behind to see a person, silhouette, walking wobbly, behind the bush. "Hmm?" Free stands up, as he walk directly to the bush only to be on the ground thanks to the silhouette figure person falling onto him.

"Arghh... *yawn*" The figure yawned. As the clouds was disappearing away as the moon shines through the middle of the forest. The figure's face was now shown.

"And what are you doing here?"

".. I'm tired of you coming in my dorm everyday! *yawn*"

"Okay." "But can you get off me? I don't want to be a bottom. If you do this to me, I'll make your legs betray you."

"Heh, whatever you say."

Free suddenly wraps his arms around Silas' neck as he hugged him, making their lips pressed against each other. Silas bit Free's lower lip gently, signaling that he wants an entrance. Both of them parted for air, as they kissed again. They were tongue kissing for the next three minutes. Both of them slowly sits up while still kissing, until Free pinned Silas on a tree while still kissing and sitting.


Free was woken up by the sunlight. He slowly gets up, looks around that he'd fallen asleep on the ground. Flashbacks of him and Silas was flashing through his mind.

"..... Hm."


It was 2 in the afternoon. The BC Sol members were all training at the gym.

"Yo! Free! Wanna train!?"

".. Sure."


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