Sleeping next to each other [Hyuga x Hikaru]

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Hyuga's POV

-I can't stand that nightmare of Lane destroying Hyperion and Helios again, ever since Lane destroy our first sparking beys and we created a new one, i been getting that nightmare over and over again.-

-Even though the ultimate tag team series is over and we defeated Lane to stop his flare, that nightmare is still is my head. I just hope that nightmare won't show up later.

Hikaru: Hyuga!! Hello?!!

Hyuga: A-ah.. What is it?..

Hikaru: Somethings wrong with you, like your ignoring me, always zoning out and not even focusing in practice/battles.

Hyuga: Hmmph.. sorry

Hikaru: *sign* come on let's just go to bed. *yawned*

Hyuga: 'wait a sec, what if i...' *yawned*

Hikaru: get in the bed already I'm gonna turn of the lights.. *yawned again* oh wow something was on that milk dad give us *turns off the lights*

// The Hizashi Parents in the kitchen //

Hizashi Dad: achoo!! eh..?

Hizashi Mom: what's wrong honey? do you have a cold?

Hizashi Dad: n-no.. But maybe someone's talking about me.

Hizashi Mom: huh?

// Back to the twin Brothers //

No one's POV

3:06 am

-Hyuga is having that nightmare again, his body was shivering, it was cold, and some tears was about to fall. Hyuga quickly sit up.-

Hyuga: 'That's it, I'm sleeping next to Hikaru'

Hyuga: Hikaru.. Hikaru..! Hikaru!!

Hikaru: What?! .. uh!

-Hikaru was confused that Hyuga had tears. The red haired brother was removing the blanket and was lying down next to his brother.-

Hikaru: H-hey what are you..

Hyuga: *hugging him*

Hikaru: -Doing... What's has gotten into you..?

Hyuga: hmph..

Hikaru: *sign*

-Hikaru was so confused but he went with it, and sleep next to Hyuga, he kissed Hyuga's forehead.

Hikaru: You have to tell me what's wrong with you tomorrow..

Hyuga: *nod* *blushing*

• In the Morning • (still No one's POV)
8:09 am

Hizashi Mom: Boys! come on! Wake u- uh!....

Hizashi Dad: What's wrong honey? uh?..

Hizashi Mom: Did something happened?

Hizashi Dad: I don't know, but it's so cute i can't look away! *takes a pictures*

Hizashi Mom: *nervous laugh* let's not bother them.

Hizashi Dad: mhm, they really did their hardest to beat that Lane guy.

Hizashi Dad and Mom: *walks out in the room and close the door*

• Later •
8:43 am

Hikaru: e-eh..? Hyuga..? *looks down to Hyuga*

Hyuga: ah.. Hika.. *looks up to Hikaru*

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