Unfinished Requested OS #5

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Red String [Shu × Valt]

This is just my AU.
Requested by Abbi471

⚠︎: Missed/Wrong words. Long reading


They say, a soulmate symbolizes love. Though, it comes invisible and cannot be seen by human eyes. Yet there's some that can be seen only by those who the two people that has it, and some are many that don't. And that's the red string.

The red string symbolizes love as well, basically same with soulmate. A red string is wrapped around the pinky of the fingers, as it connects to the person's pinky, that is what appears to be your soulmate.

Some of many people don't see the string, but if they see their soulmate, then the string will be seen by them.

That's where we start the story.

Here we have a college student named Shu. He's incharge or on duty of cleaning the classroom before the lesson and after. He's different from others, he had a tough past, he had childhood friends but all of them got kidnapped except him, he's family left him in the dust, he had a girlfriend but died in cancer, and had another one but cheated on him.

Shu is quiet, alone, yet popular. Many girls wants to date him, only because Shu has looks of an angel and demon. White snowy hair, and blood shot red eyes.

Though, Shu isn't interested anymore on love or soulmates and such things. He thought back then, the people he becomes friends and loves would end up dead or leave him to the ground. He believes that the world can be a cruel place, it's full of grief, traitors, sorrows and depression.

And then there's Valt. He grew up with his siblings at their grandparents, while the parents are away, basically the family is broken. Valt is cheerful, smiley, and joyful. He could make people smile, and laugh, more likely for the students of the school to call him a clown. That name is made for him to be bullied, but some are made to just have fun. Valt has blue spiky hair, with a headband to keep it up, and warm hazel eyes.

Both of these two.

Are soulmates.

And yet, the red string cannot be seen because the two hasn't seen each other just yet.

Until one day..


Valt was taking a walk around the school during lunchbreak. Humming, he closes his eyes and thought what would his grandma make for dinner. Spaghetti and meatballs? Beef stew? Maybe stea--


Valt didn't even realize he wasn't looking where he's going. He stood up and helped the person get up by helding the hands.

"Sorry about that.. I should really keep my eyes open when I'm thinking, hehe..."

"Ah- sorry I bump into you- I'm in a--"

The person was cut off saying the last sentence. Both of the two made eye contact. Mesmerizing each other's eyes, and wouldn't dare to break the gaze.

Blood red to warm hazel.

The two did not even clearly feel that the red string has already formed on both their pinky fingers.

".. U-.. Uh- sorry.. I need to go."

Shu left. Before Valt could see the string- he turns around and immediately entered his train of thought.

The two didn't even saw the string, didn't even saw a glance of it.


After lunch, Valt is at his class. He yawned, stretched his arms in front of him- that caused him to finally see the red string around his pinky finger.

"Oh m-" He gasped. Before he could even continue his shook words, he followed the string's trail, following where it's connected. But the teacher noticed Valt, and scolded him as he got called to answer on the board. The next class had no teacher so it was a free period. Meaning that Valt had the chance of following where the string takes him to his soulmate. Which he's doing right now.

Valt was so excited and happy that he'll finally find his soulmate. The string eventually led him to the forest, he slows his pace down, looking for the string that seemed to got covered by the tall grass. So he lifted up the red string,

––– ––– –––✂


When will you notice me? [Shu × Fubuki]

Requested by @shugo-girl

⚠: Missed/Wrong words. Bad Grammars


As usual, Shu is training his former student Fubuki. At their usual training place; The park. "Move your feet, straighten out your shoulders, don't apply to much tension to your body or else you'll tremble and lose concentration. Relax, and let your mind empty and think nothing but just the stadium in front of you." Fubuki sigh, letting his mind empty as Shu told him to do. He close his eyes, creating an image of the stadium.

"Very good." Shu muttered quietly. "And.. Launch!" Fubuki launched with all his strength as his bey landed on the stadium perfectly, and with so much speed as well. "And that's how you perform a perfectly launched bey." Says Shu. "Thank you, Shu! I'll keep on practicing on it and get it done good." Fubuki exclaimed.

Shu just nod by response. "But, you better practice twice as hard if you want to get that championship belt from Aiger." Shu said as he sling his bag strap over his shoulder. "You're leaving? I thought you said-" "Tomorrow, Fubuki." Shu walk away and lift up a hand and waved goodbye.

As usual, Fubuki hated that Shu always leave early than normal. Fubuki got angry and yet curious why he leaves quickly as if always in a hurry. Fubuki has liked Shu ever since he was a little kid, let's get straight to the point. That's why he likes Shu around and training him, he likes to show off his moves and new ones, or his strength of launching. However, Shu doesn't notices it. Which drives Fubuki angry or sad.

One morning, Fubuki was taking a jogging. When he suddenly sees Shu and a girl bowing and handing him to what seems like a letter. Fubuki stopped and hid, he eavesdrop. "Would- would y-you go out with m-me....?" Said the girl, trembling in so much nervousness. Shu sighed, giving up.

"I'm afraid I have to reject you, I'm not looking in interest of love just yet. I have many things to do- so if you know someone or people that takes a liking to me, would you mind telling them that I don't accept your letters, and confessions. That would be great and I don't have to be invited to the rooftop or cherry blossom tree and such things, it just wastes my time. So if you could do that for me, I appreciate it. Thanks."

Fubuki's face turn in to a frown

––– ––– –––✂

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