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For the next few months, Rose slowly forgot about the tiny village that she came from. The dreams only lasted for a couple of nights. Afterwards, she dreamed about golden fields that smelled of honey and lavender.

Tilly clung to her everywhere around the Palace she went. Several of the Ladies and Gentlmen of the court knew her by name now, though they still called her 'Lady Rose.'

Ventane stayed by her side almost everywhere she went. He was her anchor now. An anchor to what, Rose couldn't quite remember, but there was something about him that made her remember a shamble of tiny huts.

Perhaps it was only a dream that she could not remember. But something inside reminded her that there was someone out there looking for her.

It didn’t make any sense, though. She belonged here, with Ventane, in the court of the Elven King. Rose could brush off the feeling easier and easier as each day passed.


This particular morning, she woke well before dawn. It was the first time she could remember waking up before daylight in a long, long time. But, there was no use trying to fall back to sleep. Rose was very much awake now.

Tilly purred in her sleep.

The curtains from the window were closed. Ventane had made sure every night that he closed the widow and curtains, though Rose couldn't quite remember why.

Standing, and walking from the bed, holding her thin gown around her, she pushed one of the curtains aside from the window and looked out.

Standing under a full moon was a beautiful woman. Rose felt her heart jump.

'The Queen.'

The statues in the garden that had appeared to be laughing or singing jovially before were now live people. They sank in their places, to their knees. Their mouth opened and closed as though they were wailing, and the faces were contorted in a sort of agony that Rose would never be able to identify with.

The door opened suddenly and Rose jerked around, letting the curtain fall. Expecting to see Ventane standing in her sights, ready to scold her for her stupidity, Rose opened her mouth to say somethig in defense...

However, this time it wasn't Ventane.

There was a young child, a girl with black hair, looking up at her with desperate cat-like eyes.

"Lady Rose, you must come with me.. His Majesty's Wizard has fallen very ill and is calling for you." she said, bowing low, "He has been requesting your presence for nearly an hour."

Rose stared, "Ventane is sick?” she asked. Her eyes widened, as she reached to touch the jewel wrapped in the silken napkin, "Take me to him."

The girl nodded, bowed again and led Rose out into the hallway. As Rose followed, the images of the statues in the garden with the Queen fell from her mind.

Leading Rose to an ornate door, she stopped, "His Majesty's Wizard has created a Barrier that none are permitted to enter but those he allows." the girl bowed again.

Rose looked at her, and reached for the knob of the door. It felt warm when she touched it, opening gently for her.

"Ventane?" she called softly into the darkness.

There was a soft breeze suddenly, as Rose felt someone reach out and grab her with warm hands.

"Oh!" Rose exclaimed.

"It's me, Lady Rose." whispered the hushed voice of Ventane, "Come, I've something to show you." he urged gently, and pulled her close to him in the darkness. Rose could feel her face burning in the darkness. He took her in his arms,  suddenly and she felt a strange sense of weightlessness about her.

Rose's Faerie TaleWhere stories live. Discover now