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~Final battle prt II / Reunited loved ones

"Have you missed us?" Peter gestured to Ray, Camila (who waved at Gozer), and Winston. Clarimond walk off of Callie and Joined Gozer, Peter look at Clarimond and sighed "Charli Dear." Clarimond snarled at him, "Looking beautiful as ever." he sarcastically said.

Callie eyes widen as she looked at Camila, "Aunt Camila?" Camila look at her and smiled. "Yes, I'm a Ghostbuster and I'm proud of it."

Ray then steps up, "Gozer the Gozerian," which caught the goddess attention "in the name of the county of Summerville, state of Oklahoma, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, all the members of Ducks Unlimited, the Association for the Advancement of Retired Persons, I command you under the National Invasive Species Act to depart this world immediately."

Camila smiled and clapped her hands slowly as Peter mutter out "Bravo", Gozer and Zuul snarled at them.

Winston chuckled, "I think she remembers us."

"Are you...a god?" she question them with a grin, Ray's eyes widen, clearly remembering what happen if he said 'No'



"Oh, come on, Ray."


"Were all gods," Camila said walk up next to Ray, then Peter walks up to the two along with Winston "Yeah, I mean, we're all pretty dang special down here. On a personal note: I thought that we had busted up for good. My friends didn't think so. I know yours didn't." he explained gesturing towards The Protector and Terror Dogs, Clarimond started to growl and was about to pounced but Gozer raised her hand out, telling her 'Don't'

"Okay, playtime's over. Let's toast this muffin." Camila said, grabbing her thrower as the boys grabbed theirs and started blasting Gozer, "Should we?" Camila ask her. Peter nodded, " On the count of three." then the three started to cross theirs streams.

Then Gozer used the streams as a whip that send the Ghostbusters landing on The Ecto-1, they groaned and sat next to one another. "I remember why I quitted this job." Camila said.

Ray chimed in, "I don't remember this job being so painful."

Winston said, "I do."

Then Peter being Peter said, "You got a lot of nerve, coming back here and crawling back to me."

"What the hell are you doing?" Camila questioned him, Peter put his hand up to her. "We could've been the most spectacular power couple. You know, my sense of fun and your personality. But, no, you always had to vanquish and conquer. Always had to maim somebody. Using my ex High School sweetheart, a very beautiful gal, into a hellhound creature." Clarimond roared at him, Winstion tried to get his thrower but Gozer shot it away from him, "Good try anyways." Camila said to him.

Then a stream hit Gozer, she turns to see Phoebe and shot lighting as Phoebe shoot her stream at Gozer. But, she started to lose ground and was pushed backwards.

Then there he was.
Egon Spengler.

Helping his Granddaughter with the thrower, they both exchanged looks, he smiled as he then focused on Gozer, the others than used their throwers and blasted on Gozer as Phoebe and Egon walk closer to the others. Camila look at the two in shock, she lightly hit Ray to get his attention, he look at Egon with the same shock as Camila. Trevor then fired at the silo to activated it the Trap fields, Camila notice this and yelled out "Now, Callie!"

Callie nodded and ran up the porch as was about to stomp on the pedal, when a roar caught her attention. She look up and saw Clarimond snarled and crept closer to her, "Callie, don't be scared. It's your mother!" Camila yelled out.

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