Why Girls "Go" In Pairs

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  This has to be the biggest conundrum for all my male friends. I think I have been asked "Why do girls go to the bathroom in groups? I mean we just go in, piss, waddup the guy beside us and we're done. But you all take forever in there." a million times by now. 

                                                        Reasons : 

1. We are going to gossip about whoever is not with us in the bathroom (most likely you; if you have to ask why girls go in pairs in the first place) and it helps the evening/day go better when you have a 10 min break from the group.

Now when I say gossip, it does not mean it is necessarily bad. We could be going to brag and gush over how awesome you are but that would be kinda weird if we done it in front of you.

2. Safety. It's safer to go in pairs than going alone in a public place.

3. I need to fix my makeup and want company while I do it. 

4. We are having a group meeting on the latest plot for world domination and what we think of 1D'S latest tattoo's. 

5. Frankly, you are boring us. So why not go and take selfies in the mirror, to pass the time? (You know all those photos we have on FB, Instagram.Twitter..ect. that look like we're in a restaurant bathroom? Yup that's where those came from).

6. We need to borrow something like a tampon and don't want to ask in front of the group.

7. Sometimes dance parties just happen (true story bro and i have the videos to prove it.)

8. I'm hungry but my teacher won't let me eat in class. If you're just standing in the bathroom eating Subway it's a little awkward. BUT if you're one of two eating in the middle of a bathroom it's not weird at all.

Well, at least you aren't the only freak eating in the bathroom, you are one of two freaks now!

9. I need someone to hold my purse while I go or make sure the door stays closed if the lock is messed up. 

10. Oh..and sometimes we just actually need to go.

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