"You cooled your jets yet, speedy?" She asked, cracking a grin.

"As much as possible," I replied, settling against the pool wall.

"I know this is hard for you, Linds. You can talk to me about anything and I'll always be here for you."

Alex's words pulled at my heart strings as tears glossed over my eyes. I appreciated her more than words could describe. I didn't have a great, fantastic, incredible love. But I did have Alex. Who I loved just as much. I tangled my arms around Alex, giving her the biggest hug I could.

I would get through this. I trusted that Alex would help me get through this. The two of us, we were unstoppable.

An hour later, Alex and I exited the aquatic centre, strolling across the quad.

"If it isn't my two favourite girls!" Gio shouted, wrapping an arm over each of our shoulders.

"Lovely to see you, Giovanni," Alex grumbled, rolling her eyes. She still wasn't over the whole break-up thing.

"Be nice, Alex," I hissed.

Gio laughed heavily, "Great to see you too, Alexandra."

Alex flinched hearing her full name, making me laugh. She hated it.

Karma, bitch.

"What's up, Gio?" I asked as we continued towards Alex's car.

"I just came to tell you guys that I'll be gone for a couple of weeks. I'm visiting my Mom in Italy."

"Oh thank god," Alex smiled sadistically. She rolled her eyes as I sent her a dirty look.

"That's great, Gio! I'm so jealous. I wish I could get away, life's been a bit... hectic, to say the least," I chuckled.

"Oh my god," Alex mimicked, dragging out the 'd' in exaggeration, "That's so greaaaaaat, Giooooo."

"Alex," I growled, sternly.


We stared down each other, waiting for the other to break.

"I think I'll just... yeah," Gio laughed, backtracking out of the situation and jogging back the way he came.

"You're such a child," I rolled my eyes.

"You're such a childddd," mimicked Alex.

This bitch.

She was lucky I loved her.


Alex and I stumbled into the main house, slightly tipsy after making our way home from the bar. We ended the day with a friendly, yet extremely competitive game of pool, which I won, matched with a few glasses of liquor.

The delicious smell of Mom's shepherd's pie enveloped me as we walked towards the kitchen.

"What an amazing wife I have," Alex preached, wrapping her arms around my Mom.

Alex and Mom shared a small kiss, before Mom pulled back, eying Alex over.

"You've been drinking," Mom whispered.

"Not too much, don't worry," Alex replied.

Mom moved away from Alex, carrying the dish of pie into the dining room.

"Dinner is served," announced Mom, setting down the large ceramic container.

All the hairs on my body stood up as I saw Shannon already seated at the dinner table. Alex and Mom were already seated as well, looking up at my frozen state. There was no backing out now. I pulled out my chair from next to Shannon, scooting it as far away from her as I could, almost on the corner of the table.

"I don't have fucking Gonorrhea, Lindsay," Shannon sighed, the first sentence she had spoken to me since walking out.

Ignoring her, I scooped myself some dinner, trying to rid myself of the anxious cloud hovering over me.

"Nice. Resorting to ignoring me now. Real mature," she muttered.

"Lindsay, don't be rude," Mom piped in.

"Jess, honey, don't get involved," whispered Alex.

"What did you say?"

"Oh god, here we go," Alex sighed, preparing herself for a verbal battering.

We all sat around the table as Mom berated Alex and the shepherd's pie went cold. So much for a nice dinner.

Later that night, I laid in bed, reflecting on the evening. It was bad enough that Shannon and I weren't talking to each other, but we didn't need to drag Mom and Alex into it. Neither of them should have to pick a side, potentially causing strain on their marriage. I wouldn't allow it.

I needed a fucking holiday.

Thanks for reading!

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Happy Pride Month!!

- T.J Starc

The Professor: AKA My Mom's Best Friend (GxG)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora