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"She already knows," I whispered, watching Lindsay exit the kitchen. The remainder of the dinner was interesting, keeping an eye on Lindsay who was constantly squirming, and always looked uncomfortable. 

I soon realised that Jess had noticed Lindsay's discomfort, as she tapped me under the table, looking at me quizzically. I tried my best to explain that Lindsay was uncomfortable next to Shannon, through my eye contact with Jess. She seemed to get the idea, and a small smirk graced her lips. She shot me a nod and a wink, signalling that she was up to something. 

"Hey, Shannon, have I ever told you about that time when I took Lindsay to the movies when she was about four years old?" 

Shannon shook her head, so Jess continued. 

"Well, I took her to watch Puss and Boots, and when the lights dimmed and Puss came onto the screen, Lindsay shouted, "it's pussy time!" really loudly, causing the whole cinema to erupt into laughter," Jess laughed.

I almost spat out the large mouthful of lasagne I was chewing, and glanced over to see Lindsay blushing as bright as a rose. 

"Mom!" she yelled, "I told you not to tell that story anymore!"

Jess just laughed, as Lindsay put her head in her hands. 

"Hey, it's okay, Lindsay. I thought it was cute," Shannon giggled, patting Lindsay on the back. 

Lindsay looked up at Shannon, her blush not disappearing from her face. It was obvious the discomfort and embarrassment she was feeling, and luckily the situation was interrupted by a notification on Jess' phone. 

"Oooo, it's Beth, she finally texted!" Jess chirped, pulling out her phone.

"Beth?" Shannon questioned, glancing at Jess. 

"Oh!" Jess realised, "Beth is my older sister. The one that I lost touch with before college. We reconnected a few years back!"

"Oh, okay," Shannon nodded, "is she in town?"

"Yes! She just messaged, inviting us to a charity banquet her NGO is organising. Extremely exclusive, and very fancy."

"When?" Lindsay asked. 

"Tomorrow night," Jess responded, shocked, "she apologises for the late notice, but some tickets became available."

"Let's go! I love dressing up all fancy!" Lindsay clapped.

"And... we are confirmed!" Jess announced, sliding her phone back into her pocket.

"Now we just have to find something to wear," smiled Shannon. 

"Oh shit!" Lindsay yelled, jumping up and running towards her bedroom. 


*Lindsay's POV*

"Thanks for skipping classes with me, Alex. I have absolutely nothing to wear!" I panicked, as we walked through the mall. 

"Hey, I've got you, Linds. We've gotta make sure you look hot tonight!" Alex responded.

"How about this cute, little black dress?" I discovered. 

"We're not shopping for cute, we are shopping for sexy," Alex sang, "Oooo, this one. This one is perfect. The sapphire blue will look stunning against the tones in your hair!"

I lifted up the dress that Alex had mentioned, and it did look incredibly good held up against my body, so I decided to try it on. 

The fabric was light and soft, and the design looked made for a princess. The straps laid off the shoulders, resting along my biceps, and a long slit revealed much of my toned left leg. Spinning around, this dress made me feel more than truly beautiful. I had to buy it. 

The Professor: AKA My Mom's Best Friend (GxG)Where stories live. Discover now