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*Jessica's POV*

"You are staying here! That's final," I declared, as Shannon sat on our velvet couch. She didn't bother arguing, knowing that my stubborn self would eventually win anyway. 

"Are you sure there's enough room?" She verified, and I laughed softly at her question. 

"Shan, there are four bedrooms in this house, and Alex and I only take up one. There is more than enough room."

She stood up and hugged my tightly.

"Thank you, Jess. Not just for this, but for everything."

I squeezed her hands in mine, "if we had to go back and do it all again, I wouldn't change a thing. Because you are an amazing person, Shannon Monet, and I won't ever let you forget it."

We were interrupted by Alex and Lindsay getting back from school. Alex gave me a curious look, and I walked over, pecking her on the lips. Her sweet smile made me smile, and I slid my fingers lightly over her side, making her shiver. I loved the effect I still had on her. 

"Shannon will be staying with us for a little bit, is that okay with you both?" I asked. 

"Fine with me," Lindsay shrugged.

"Perfectly fine with me as well," Alex answered, shooting me a subtle wink that neither Shannon nor Lindsay seemed to catch. I gave her a small smirk in return before starting off with dinner.

Dinner went pleasantly, before we all finished with some drinks in the living room. 

"Oh!" I chirped, coming to a realisation, "are you working anywhere in the city yet, Shannon?"

"Not yet. I don't really want to go back to teaching kids, they're so much work. Even the seniors," she answered.

"Oh, you're a teacher as well?" Lindsay queried. 

"Yes, I am. Almost been teaching for a decade and a half now."

"So you're old," Alex added. 

"Excuse me!" I vocalised, "for your information, the young woman that you just called old is the same age as your wife."

"Wait, you're 37?" Lindsay questioned, shocked, "You don't look a day over thirty."

I still stared daggers at Alex and she looked down sheepishly. 

"Sorry," she mumbled. 

"Anyway," I started, "so you don't have a job yet. Could I convince you to work with me at the high school? It'd be so fun. The kids aren't even that bad."  

"You can be stubborn, Jess, but so can I. I'm just over children," Shannon finalised. 

"Why don't you teach adults then? There are plenty of university's nearby," Alex recommended.

"Yes! That's perfect," I blurted, "you could apply to teach at Pennsylvania State University. That's where Alex and Lindsay go."

"I don't know," Shannon murmured, rubbing the back of her neck with her hand. She looked up and I raised my eyebrows. She huffed, "fine. I'll think about it."

I smiled wide and we went back to casual conversation. 

About an hour later my phone buzzed with a notification and I lifted it up to see. The colour drained from my face and my throat went dry. 

"Due date - tomorrow!!!" 

I hastily stood up and ran to my room, not answering as they all called after me. I covered myself in all of the blankets, all of the pillows, burying myself as far as I could go. The pain was too much, as I laid there crying away the misery of losing a baby.

The Professor: AKA My Mom's Best Friend (GxG)Where stories live. Discover now