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*Lindsay's POV*

"Gio, we can't do this anymore," I mumbled, head in my hands as we sat on the couch side-by-side.

"I know. The fighting and arguing has increased so much. We used to be so close, so happy, but now it seems like all we're doing is avoiding each other," he agreed.

"You understand that my views on this will never change?" I asked.

"I do, and mine aren't going to change either."

I let out a heavy sigh, "so what now?"

Gio pulled me into a hug, and I wrapped my arms tightly around his neck, "we hug it out and go back to how things were. Friends?"

"Friends," I responded, hugging tighter into Gio's chest.

"I love you, Lindsay. I always will."

"I love you too, Gio."


"Up, up, up, up, up," Alex yelled, walking into my room and pulling me out from under the blankets, "we're going."

"What? Where? I just want to lay in bed and stream FRIENDS until I fall asleep," I whined as Alex pushed me towards the living room.

"Not gonna happen. We're going to the lake house for the weekend."

"But I don't wanna-"

"You're going, Lindsay, end of discussion," my mother announced as I was forced into the living room.

Both Mom and Shannon were seated on the couch, two small suitcases situated beside them. 

"You need to get out and have some fun, Linds," Mom rationalized, "a break up doesn't feel any better if you sulk and sleep. Instead, we are partying on the lake and sitting in front of a fireplace all weekend."

"Fine," I sighed.

"Good. You have five minutes to get a bag ready. Run."


We had already been sitting in the car for 45 minutes, and still had another hour to go. I was so exhausted that I was afraid I'd fall asleep all over Shannon.

Alex and Mom were talking away in the front while I sat almost asleep, with Shannon absentmindedly looking out the window beside me.

The street lights had gradually faded, filling the car with complete darkness. The only light that flickered through the dimmed interior was the shine of the headlights reflecting on the empty road ahead.

The light passed almost rhythmically, lulling me to sleep.

I was startled awake by a car door slamming. My head shot up as I tried to identify my surroundings. I heard a small laugh from beside me and looked over to see Shannon still sitting there.

"Did you enjoy your comfortable sleep?" She chuckled, motioning towards her shoulder.

My eyes widened which caused her to laugh even more.

"S-shit, I'm so sorry, Shannon."

"Don't sweat it. But we should probably get inside. It's already pretty late and you look like you're going to pass out again at any moment," she giggled, opening her door and offering me her hand.

I grabbed it as she assisted me out of the car, dragging our suitcases out after us. Alex and Jess had already claimed the master suite, leaving Shannon and I sharing the living room, furnished with one twin bed plus a comfy-looking couch. Luckily, it had two separate sleeping surfaces.

The Professor: AKA My Mom's Best Friend (GxG)Where stories live. Discover now