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*Lindsay's POV*

Walking back to the guest house after a long day at work, I recalled the note I had left for Shannon before I departed. 


You're lucky I have so much self-control - because if not, I'd be sneaking into your office to interrupt your work and to fuck you like a beast. I literally cannot concentrate on anything, with these flashbacks of yesterday at the physio in my head. The way you turn me on is unreal. I can't wait to show you pure ecstasy. 

You turn me on just walking into a room, and by the end of the month, I'll make sure you have the exact same reaction to me. I'm not going to sign off this note with my name, but you know damn well who's written it. 


The Person Who'll Give You The Best Orgasms You've Ever Had xx

I knew the note was going to make Shannon feel some kind of way, and sat on my couch waiting for her to erupt through the door. The boredom started enveloping the room shortly later, and I made my way back to the main house for dinner. 

I helped Mom set up the table, then assisted Alex in placing the meal within the centre of the table. In that moment, Shannon walked through the front door, our eyes meeting, and a wave of tension instantly filled the room. 

By the time I looked back at the table, both Mom and Alex were seated, and I was either staring at Shannon for a long time, or they raced to their seats like some musical-chairs magic. Coincidently, that left Shannon and I to sit beside each other. 

When Shannon took her seat, her leg brushed against my own, sending a spark to my loins. I couldn't understand how a simple brush of our legs could affect me in such a profound way. 

Even when conversation started up around the table, I couldn't concentrate on anything other than her. Where her legs were, where her arms were, was she going to touch me?

Feeling overwhelmed with emotions, I excused myself to get another glass of water. I took a gulp of my water in the kitchen, when Shannon scared me, causing a couple of droplets to run down my chin and neck. 

"Let me help you with that," Shannon muttered, taking the glass from my hand and placing it on the countertop. 

She spun us around, out of view from the dining room, pushing me up against the wall. She ran her fingers up, into my hair, pulling my head back slightly. Her tongue collected the water droplets before they could run down my shirt, following their trail all the way back up my neck to my chin, where she flicked my tongue over my bottom lip, teasingly. 

The feeling was surreal, and our eyes made contact, a daring gaze evident in her stare. 

Roughly, I grabbed her hips and spun her around until I had her pinned in the same position she had me in moments ago. 

"Did you really just do that?" I asked, sending her a crooked smile. 

"Turn you on? Yes, yes I did, Lindsay," Shannon teased.

I leaned forward, towards her ear, where I took her earlobe softly between my teeth. I played with it tenderly, flicking it with my tongue periodically. 

"You know, you shouldn't start something you can't finish," I husked into her ear, before turning and sauntering back to the dining room after picking up my glass of water. 

Shannon re-joined us a short while later, and had done well to control her flushed face. By the look Alex was giving me, I knew that she knew something had happened. After dinner, I excused myself, heading back to the guest house. 

Moments later, I received a text from Alex.

Alex: Don't go to sleep yet. Head to Ritchie's Bar, and wear something nice. I'll be there soon, but don't tell Shannon or Jess, this is just a night out for us. 

Sighing, I got changed into only my sexiest 'going out' outfit. Arriving at the bar ten minutes later, I took a seat and ordered myself a non-alcoholic beverage. The bar wasn't busy, with it only being the middle of the week. There were a few groups around, and I caught the eye of a few guys and girls alike. 

Sipping on my drink, I was surprised when I found Shannon sitting beside me, looking as fine as ever. Looking at her all dressed up was leaving me speechless, and I didn't even acknowledge she was there apart from my eyes roaming over every inch of her body. 

"Did you get a text?" She asked, ordering a drink and looking at me with a smirk. 

"Yeah?" I replied confused, "Did Alex text you too?"

"No," she laughed, "Jess did. Told me to meet her here, alone."

I giggled, "Of course she did. They're not coming are they?"

"I highly doubt it."

I was about to respond when a guy slid into the seat beside me, on the opposite side that Shannon was on. 

"Hey, beautiful. Can I get your number? I'll buy you dinner some time?" He asked, flashing me a charming smile. 

"As much as that was as smooth as ever," I joked sarcastically, "I'm not interested, but thank you anyway."

"Hey, all good. It was worth a shot. Enjoy your night, ladies," he smiled, walking back to his mates. 

I sipped on my beverage, turning my attention back to Shannon. 

"Why didn't you grab his number? He seemed nice," Shannon uttered.

"Oh, I can go back and get it," I started, hopping off the bar stool.

"Don't you dare," she growled, pulling me back to her.

Laughing it off, we engaged in a light conversation, just enjoying the atmosphere. Throughout the night, two more people asked for my number, and Shannon was approached by a young woman who insisted on calling her 'mommy'. Rejecting them all, we sat in each other's company, giggling at the interesting personalities and pickup lines being thrown at us. 

As it neared further into the early morning, a woman, possibly similar in age to Shannon, sat beside her and started striking up conversation. Shannon entertained the conversation for a while, before looking back over at me. Shooting me a daring smirk, I saw her write her phone number down on a napkin, before handing it to the woman. 

The other woman stood, kissing Shannon on the cheek softly, before walking away. Turning back towards me, I hid my jealousy as much as I could. 

"I'm going to freshen up in the bathroom, join me?" I asked, practically pulling Shannon out of her seat. 

I stood in front of the bathroom mirror, reapplying my makeup, and glancing over at Shannon, who was further in the corner, doing the same. 

I relived her passing her phone number to the other woman, and my blood started to boil with jealousy. Strutting over to Shannon, I pinned her up against the bathroom wall with my body firmly pressed against hers. 

Leaning close, our lips ghosted each other, as I started to whisper, "you won't find another lover better than me, Shannon Monet. The way I'll kiss you like you've never been kissed before, the way I'll mark your whole body with my love bites, the way I'll touch you, taste you, love y-"

Shannon launched herself at me, smashing her lips against my own. The kiss was passionate, needy, fast-paced. We were trying to relieve all of the sexual tension that had been captured between us, in one kiss. 

Eventually, we were forced to come up for air. 

Panting, I mumbled, "the way I'd suck so hard on your c-"

"Kiss me, Lindsay," Shannon breathed, trying to shut me up. 

"Yes, Professor Monet," I smirked, before crashing our lips back together in the most fiery, passionate, loving kiss I had ever experienced. 

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Stay safe xx

- T.J Starc

The Professor: AKA My Mom's Best Friend (GxG)Where stories live. Discover now