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*Lindsay's POV*

We sat around the dining table awkwardly, it being the first night Shannon had joined us for supper in almost a week. Everyone seemed too nervous to say anything, not wanting to say the wrong thing or scare Shannon away. 

"So... what's been happening at the university lately?" Mom started the conversation. 

"I only have three more physio sessions before I can get back into training," I smiled, genuinely happy that I could get back into the sport that I loved. 

"That is great news, Lindsay. I'm glad you're seeming more optimistic about the setback you faced with the injury," Alex smiled. 

"Shannon, has anything been happening at work yet? Any annoying students or teachers?" Mom questioned, tentatively. 

"No, nothing like that," Shannon sighed, "I'm sorry I'm not being all chirpy and happy, but this month is really hard for me."

Mom's face scrunched up, then as if she came to a realisation, her features saddened. 

"It would've been her birthday this month, wouldn't it?" Jess whispered to Shannon, but Alex and I still heard, shooting each other a confused glance. 

Shannon's breathing hitched, and she seemed like she was going to cry. 

Taking a deep breath she looked up, "I may as well just say this because Alex and Lindsay will inevitably find out anyway."

Mom just looked at her and nodded, reaching over to hold Shannon's hand in her own. 

"Well, I don't even know how to start this off," Shannon sighed, "I'll just get straight to the point. I was in a relationship, had been for almost four years. She is the love of my life and has everything I have ever wanted in a partner. I even asked her to marry me. About six months ago she... passed away, in a carjacking. Her name is India, she is the most beautiful, kind, intelligent woman, and this month it is... it would have been... her thirty-fifth birthday."

My heart ached seeing Shannon so hurt. Mom already had tears streaming down her face, and Alex was having a hard time keeping her own at bay. 

There was nothing that could have been said in that moment to mend the pain felt by Shannon, so we got around her and just supported her. Just being there, present and listening in the moment, was what we hoped would comfort Shannon in some way. 

Not long after dinner was finished, Shannon excused herself to her bedroom. Having the dinner was still more progress than the night before, so no one tried to convince her to stay out for a glass of wine. 

Sitting on the sofa, I was still at a loss for words. Having such a deep bond with someone that you'd marry them, vowing to love and cherish them for the rest of your life, was not an easy decision. Then suddenly, that one person who you have given your heart to, is viciously ripped from your life, and it tore me up inside just thinking about it. I could not even fathom the pain and hurt that Shannon was experiencing, and I had no idea how I was meant to help.

"What do we do?" I asked Mom and Alex, who sat on the sofa opposite me. 

"I don't know, Linds. She is going through an emotional shit-storm, and it takes a lot to be able to control emotions like that," Mom whimpered. 

"I just want to be there for her," I exhaled. 

"You might, Lindsay, but she doesn't. It's not that she doesn't want you to be there, but she has convinced herself that she needs to deal with this alone. That she's a burden on us, that she isn't wanted. We know that's not true, but with so much stress reeking havoc in her brain, she's probably having a hard time believing that," Mom murmured. 

The Professor: AKA My Mom's Best Friend (GxG)Where stories live. Discover now